My baby is home

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Ari's POV

Finally we made it home. We all got out the limo and walked inside the house.

Ashley and I walked past everyone and sat down on the tables . I could tell she missed Hayes but she had to be tough . Shawn walks over and sits down with us and wraps his arm Ashley . I feel my phone vibrate and see it's Matt's doctor calling . I show Ashley and she tells me to answer .

" Hey Doc .. is it good news or bad ? "

" Ari .. it's Matt baby ... "

Ashley listening to the convo gasps and starts crying with me .. She gets up and turns to ask , " Is it okay if I tell everyone else ? And tell him I said hi .. " I nod and she leaves with Shawn .

" Baby I missed you so much .. I thought you wouldn't come back .. they said you had permanent brain damage ... "

" I don't ... that was someone else's medical report .. Ari , I'm partially paralyzed .. "

" Arianna , this is Matt's doctor . He woke up 2 hours ago and wouldn't stop complaining unless he got to call you . But what he said is true . We mixed up his medical report . He doesn't have brain damage , he is paralyzed . "

I cried hard and loud . Everyone looks at me. Ashley and Makayla pushed everyone out of the way and ran to me . Makayla held me and Ashley talked to the doctor .

" Hi , it's Ashley . Yes , I am fine since my coma incident but I'm here to talk about Mr . Espinosa . Mhm . Okay great . I'll tell her . "

" Ari , babe ... Matt's fine . He isn't going to be paralyzed forever . He just needs to go into treatment . He can continue MagCon after 2 months of treatment . Let's go pick him up .

Ashley helps Makayla and I up from the ground and waits for me to get my keys . I pass Hayes and say , " We're talking later asshole . " Once I grab my keys from the table we head out .

10 terrible minutes pass by and we finally arrive . Makayla parks the car and Ashley and I rush in . " Hello we're here for Mr . Matthew Espinosa , I'm his girlfriend and she's his friend . " " Oh yes okay , just take these medical forms and fill them out in his room . He said he needs wants to see his girlfriend." I run to the elevator with Ashley right behind me . We go up the 18th floor and enter his room . I open the door and there he was . My beautiful Matt . I run into his arms while Ashley stands there laughing and crying .

" Welcome back Matt . We missed you loser . "

Matt looks at me and says ," Why'd you bring her ? " He says in a playful tone . She goes up to him and hugs him . " I'll leave you guys alone , I have to call Cam and tell him the good news . "

" Baby .. I've missed you so much . But I have to fill out these documents and we'll have you back at the safe house soon . " He just smiled and kissed me for a long time ..

" I'm done with the paperwork . Let's get you into the wheelchair. " Ashley gives the paperwork to the head nurse and signs him out while I put him in the car . Makayla sits in back asleep and Ashley typing furiously on her phone ..

"Hayes again ? "

"No Mahogany . She says that I should talk to her myself and shit . Like don't fucking act like a slut and TAKE MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND THEN TELL ME TO TALK TO YOU MYSELF BECAUSE I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU . Okay I'm done . Sorry Matt . "

" Oh it's okay . I have it on Vine and I wanna know what's happening . ''

She explains everything to Matt and he just yelled . " I'm talking to Mahogany and hitting Hayes with a bat since I can't fight right now . " We all laugh and enter the driveway . " C'mon fatty . Let's get you into this wheelchair . Ari can you wake up Makayla and get her to open the door while you get Matts personal stuff .

Matt's POV

Ashley pushes me into our new house . There was everyone in there pj's and Cam burning God knows what in the kitchen . " Cameron ! You know cooking is Ashley's thing , '' I said teasingly . " MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA I MISSED YOU !!!!!! " screams Carter while hugging me . I hugged everyone until Ari and Ashley cut in .

" Okay you guys all know Ashley and I teamed up with the FBI . Well we learned some new things... Our mole , Ryder , found out that Michy was going to escape prison and kill Alessandra at her party . She is part of the Hilton family until she she stabbed someone . Her name was then changed to Rodriguez ."

" Damn , how the hell do you know all that ," Cam asked .

" I went through her files but they were clean . That's not normal for a teenage girl who shot and nearly killed 2 people . So I digged in a little deeper and found out . That's something the FBI didn't know until I told them , " Ashley said .

" So after 3 hours of thinking .. Ashley and I have decided to put guns in our purses and underneath anything within reach . For safety purposes Ashley and I will have to sit forward and all of you must be seated on a side . Nothing other than those sitting arrangments. Understood ? If we have anything else we'll tell you all asap . " Ari said .

" Alright , since Cam burned the chicken , I made some spaghetti . There is enough for everyone in the house. I think more than enough . You can get seconds or thirds . I don't care . I'm going to sleep . Good night everyone ," Ashley says . She hugs Shawn and Matt first then works her way around to everyone else besides Mahogany and Hayes .

" I'll be back .. ," mutters Cam and runs after Ashley . I'll handle the problem tomorrow . " Ari , can we sleep now ? I missed cuddling with you ," I asked shyly . " Anything for you babe ."

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