Memorable Picnics

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Leo's P.O.V.

After we came back from our mission, Master Splinter, Casey, and April were here.

'But where's Brianna?' I thought to myself.

"You're okay!" April said as she ran to Donnie.

"Welcome home my sons. Was your mission successful?" Sensei asked us.

"Yes Sensei. It was a job well done." we bowed to him. My T-Phone started to ring and the caller I.D. said Bre Bre.

'It's her. It's really her.' I gasped in my mind. I picked it up and started talking.


"Hey Leo."

"Hey Brianna. What's up?" I smiled.

"I was thinking that if you wanna know where I am."

"Yes. Where are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm at a special location in the city and yes, I'm alright. You have nothing to worry about."

"What do you mean by I have nothing to worry about? I was worried where you were in the lair." I asked.

"It's okay I had Sensei's permission to leave. I want you guys to head into the Shell-Raiser and the coordinates will take you there."

"Take us where?" I asked her again.

"I've sent you guys the coordinates on all of your devices. Make sure all of you get here. Oh, and also make sure that no one sees you while you make your way to your location."

"Okay. We'll see you there."

"Alright. Oh, and make sure Donnie gets a chance to speak with me. I have some advice for him."

"Advice? For what?"

"For, asking his secret crush out." she responded and I gave myself a sly smile.

"Okay. See ya later Bre."

"See ya later Leo." and then she hung up.

"Was that your G-friend?" Mikey asked.

"She's not my G-friend Mikey!" I shouted.

"Heh. I was just joking Leo."

"Whatever. So where is she Sensei?" I asked frantically. I really wanted to see her.

"I can't tell you. We'll have to follow the coordinates to Brianna's secret location."

"Alright gang. Let's move." so we all drove off into the Shell-Raiser and made our way to Brianna's spot that she keeps as a secret.

*A few minutes later...*

My P.O.V.

I was setting up the picnic for all of my friends on Sunset Turtle Beach. I laid out a picnic blanket on top of the sand in a cave and placed a small boom box radio on top of a rock. Inside of the picnic basket, I bought some pre-made sushi and some herbal tea for Sensei.

'I think Sensei will be very pleased with the meal I have for him.' I giggled in my thoughts. Sometime I always forget that he was Japanese.

And also inside of the basket, I bought some pre-made cold cut sandwiches, pizza gyoza dumplings, potato chips, cupcakes, and regular pizza pies for me and my friends.

'Heh. The guys will love the things I've got for them, especially Mikey with his craving of pizza.'

I also got them sodas and waters for them in the cooler I brought with me as well. As I finished setting up the place, I was starting to refer back to all of the memories I had with the gang.

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