Chapter 5:

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Ed's POV:

"Shit." I curse as I turn myself around and walk back into my flat. Of course she would have that reaction. I've been such a dick. I plop down on the comfortable green sofa and flick on the television. A few moments into a rather boring show, the door swings open and Harry steps in, looking exceptionally happy.

"What's gotten into you, eh?" I question and only see his smile grow wider as he tosses his keys on the round, glass coffee table at my feet. He takes a seat next to me, making the cushions sink down and tucks one of his legs under his bum.

"I've met Mindy," he tries to read my features before he continues. "She went in for a drink this morning at the shop and I spoke to her." His hands ruffle threw his curly mess of hair. "She really dislikes you mate." He's laughing.

"What did she say?" I ask, finding myself quite desperate for an answer.

"She said you're a dick." The 'I told you so' smile spread across his face tells me he finds the situation rather amusing.

"She doesn't even know me!" I say, a little louder then I intended, and Harry begins to chuckle.

"I don't think she wants to,"

I sigh in defeat. Harry's words are full of truth. I know she doesn't want to know me. The only impression I've made of myself is an awful one and I'm almost positive no matter how hard I try, I wouldn't be able to change her mind. It seems I've managed to spoil the only opportunity I had to get to know a girl that is different from the others in this shit city.

"I know," I say what I was thinking.

"That guy you saw wasn't her boyfriend, I believe she said it was her brother." Harry's voice is soft as he pats my shoulder and walks into the small kitchen. I follow after him and lean against the refrigerator whilst he searches the cupboards for something to eat.

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" I change the subject for my own sake. If I keep clouding my head with negative thoughts there is sure to be a negative outcome.

"Lunch time!" He says much too loud as he shakes a bag of crisps in my face.

"That's not lunch," I mumble and he grins as he pops the bag open and shoves the contents in his mouth. "You're making a mess." Crisps tumble onto the floor and I shake my head at him before turning around and making my way into my room to grab my guitar.

"So what's your plan mate? I know you have one." Harry is now sat on the sofa, stuffing his mouth full. I stride past him and open the door.

"That's none of your concern." I Joke. I really don't have any type of plan. I reckon its better to have him think that I do.


"Thank you all so much," The crowd that has gathered is starting to fade away one by one as they leave me alone with my guitar. I hear a familiar ding and I slide my mobile out from my pocket to see a message from Harry.


I look at it confused before pushing the device pack into its home, grabbing my things and rushing up the stairs.

"You're done already?" Harry's voice echoes through the hall as I get to the top step and his eyes flick to the space next to him. I glance over and see Mindy, arms crossed and features laced with annoyance. She looks over at Harry then back at me. Her foots tapping now and I realize this is my chance to make things better.

"Were you heading down?" My voice comes out small and shaky and I push the sleeves of my worn out sweatshirt to hide my hands. Her head shakes no and I look over at Harry for guidance.

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