Chapter 8:

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Mindy's POV:

It's been close to a week since my sleep-over at Ed and Harry's place, and a week since I agreed to sing with him. Everyday we've been meeting for a few minutes or hours, practicing a couple of songs here and there but just mostly talking, getting to know one another.

The day after I slept over, I found Ed in our shared spot on the stairs, singing to a group of people. I admired the way his fingers gracefully danced across the strings, and the way his beautiful voice brought smiles upon his viewers faces and goosebumps across my skin.

"Have you been watching me the whole time?" He asked and reluctantly opened one of his arms, inviting me in for a hug. My heart frowned when he pulled away but his beautiful eyes were boring into my own and it immediately smiled again.

"Yes." I admitted. I wanted to tell him I was jealous of his voice, like he claimed to be of mine, but I refrained. He invited me back upstairs to his place and I grabbed my guitar from next door before sitting on his living room floor, and singing together four hours. I remember it was really late when I got home but I didn't mind. I enjoyed the time we spent.

Today, though it was only four in the afternoon, I've only been here for about thirty minutes, and it was Saturday, meaning our time together wouldn't be interrupted by my working schedule.

"That's the wrong note," Ed says snapping me from my thoughts. I look down at my hands placed on my instrument and quickly try to adjust them.

"Sorry," I mumble and he shrugs before sliding a little closer to me.

"Can I show you the proper way?" He motions to my hands with his own and even though I know the right way to play the key, I nod and allow him to sit behind me, snaking his hands around my body and guiding my fingers to the correct position. I stiffen, and silently hope he doesn't notice.

"Like this?" I ask awkwardly and bat my eyelashes at him earning a rewarding chuckle.

"Cut that out." He teases and backs away from me. I giggle a little and find myself turning to face him.

"What?" Ed questions, eyes searching my face.

"Nothing, just can't believe how things turned out." The look on his face is puzzled so I decide to continue on with an explanation. "I always thought you were a jerk, you know? I never thought..."

"We'd become friends?" His slow voice interrupts my sentence and an off putting feeling rushes over my entire being at the use of the word friend.

"Mhm," I sound, unable to formulate words.

The front door swings open and Harry steps through, carrying a few brown paper bags, filled with groceries.

"Mindy! Never thought I'd see you here!" The sarcasm in his voice is apparent and I suddenly feel like I've been intruding this entire week. He sends a wink my way as he begins to pull items out of the bags. I slump over and set down my guitar. Ed is already up and helping Harry as I stay on the floor and watch.

"Enjoying the show?" Ed jokes and I roll my eyes at him.

"A lot, actually."

He licks his lips and his shoulders shake as he tries to hold in laughter.

Harry looks down at me knowingly and sets down a bag of potato chips. His eyes narrow and his lips curl into a smile. I can't help but cower at his gaze before he turns his attention on Ed who speaks up against his friend's oddly uncomfortable stare.

"What is it?" Ed questions. He throws a box of cereal in a cupboard and quickly slams it shut. I can hear the box hit the cabinet door and I laugh. I can just picture Harry opening up the cabinet one morning only to be attacked with cereal.

"You two are something else," Harry smugly remarks and Ed's eyes meet mine.

"How so?" I ask not able to stop the words from coming out of my mouth. I'm standing now, and making my way towards the two boys. I know exactly what he's hinting at but I want him to manifest the words out loud, because he's talking about me and Ed's relationship. If he says it out loud I could see how Ed reacts. 

I hate to admit it but the way Ed flatly labeled me as a friend earlier made my heart sink. I know it's too early for that kind of talk, though. With all my thoughts clouding my head, I didn't even realize Harry had stepped out.

"Would you like to go out for dinner?" Ed sways back and forth on his feet while he nervously awaits my answer. I want to say no, to deny him and allow him to see that I'm bothered by the concept of being just friends but I know that would be silly and confusing. I've really been enjoying his company and although I'll never say it aloud, I want to be near him as much as possible.

The week I've spent with him, just goofing around on our guitars, watching movies, or telling stupid and cheesy jokes had been the best times I had in a while. I loved that positive and bubbly feeling that would grow in the pit of my stomach whenever I was in his presence. He made me feel that excitement that I longed for during the miserable times I spent in college, and I admired how one person could have that affect on me. It was like something or someone heard my pleas and granted them with this amazing man. What did I do to deserve to be labeled as a friend? I hoped by agreeing to go to dinner with him he would find himself changing his mind about us.

"That sounds fun." I finally answer with a slight smile that I hope does a good job concealing what I've been thinking.

"Let's go then," He puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me out, leaving my thoughts jumbled with the intimate gesture at the door as he closes it. I know my composure is beyond awkward, I just hope he pays no attention to it.

Ed's POV:

It's times like this one when I'm glad I never learnt to drive. Walking along the lightly illuminated pavement with Mindy as the sun goes down was a beautiful moment that I was glad I could only share with her. I glanced at her, her eyes were fixated forward and her pink hair was being slightly bothered by the evening winds. She looked gorgeous. My eyes shifted towards our hands, swinging desperately close to one another at our sides. I wanted to reach out and grab her hand in mine. Hold it and rub the pad of my thumb along her smooth skin. I extended my fingers, delicately brushing her hand but she jerks away immediately.

"Sorry, dude." She mumbles and brings her bottom lip between her teeth. Dude. That was the American equivalent to saying mate and I almost instantly regretted my actions. Maybe I had made her uncomfortable like I did earlier when I wrapped my arms around her body, disguising my need to touch her as just showing her a cord that I was quite positive she already knew, or when I placed my hand across her back and she stiffened. She seemed comfortable when I mentioned us being friends and now her calling me 'dude' only confirmed my fears.

She only saw me as that, as just a mate, and my hopes were crushed all together.


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Kay xx

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