Chapter 4:

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Ed's POV:

"Have a Lovely day, Pinky," I wink at the girl who stands in front of me. Her jaw is wide open with shock and I walk away into my place before I burst into laughter and slam the door.

"You should have seen the look on her face!" I exclaim rather proud of myself and plop down on the sofa.

"I reckon you got the reaction you wanted?" Harry asks me with a smirk plastered on his face. Harry has been my flat mate since long before we moved to the states. We both came here for the same reason, to get our name outside the boundaries of England. I'm so grateful to have a best mate like Harry, though I will never express my feelings to him. I'm sure he's aware.

"Her and her boyfriend we're in complete sho-" I stop myself with a frown. Boyfriend. I don't know why the word struck such a cord with me. I look at Harry to see his smile disappear.

"Ed, you don't even know this girl," His voice is serious, something that I'm not used to. "You met her what, a day ago?" I feel foolish now that the words came out of his mouth. He's right.

"Have you seen her, mate?" The words tumble out of my lips before I could stop them. I smile as He shakes his head no. I tell him all about her, from her dainty tattoo on her arm, to the pink hair on her head. "She's gorgeous," I conclude and harry chuckles,

"Then why are you being so rude to her?" He's still slightly laughing as he asks and I know I've made a fool out of myself.

"She's so vulnerable, it's a laugh to see her embarrassed." My eyebrows come together as I try to make any sense out of my own reasoning.

Shaking his head in disappointment he motions towards the wall that connects our two flats together. "Great way to get to know the girl. You've 'known' her for a day and you've already fucked it up." I hate when he's right, which is often. He seems to be the level headed one out of us two. I shake my ginger hair in my hands.

"She's interesting, I suppose." I come up with a better reasoning on the spot. "Not like the rest of the girls we've encountered since we've been in this bloody state. She's not bleach blonde and fake..." This one sounds a load better so I decide I'm going to stick with it.

"She's got a good voice Ed. Why'd you tell her otherwise?" He changes the subject so rapidly all the time, It's hard to keep up with the conversation, despite the slow pace he speaks at.

"I dunno," I grumble and switch the station on the television. After a few hours, Harry get's up and informs me he has to work early tomorrow.

"Good night, barista." I smirk and wave him off.

I think I hear him mumble "Shut up." But I'm too busy laughing.

MIndy's POV:

"This is ridiculous," I groan as I turn the blaring alarm on my phone off and push away the covers. Its saturday and I'm up at eight. I figured today would be the best day to go outside and play for the people walking along the busy street to show them what I am capable of doing. I made it a point to set my alarm to wake me up early so I would have an advantage over Ed to get to the spot on the stairs before he does. I don't even know this man and I already feel like we're battling. I gave up school for this-no, I basically gave up my life for this and I am not going to let anyone take this opportunity away from me. I know am taking this too far and I am being childish. I know that technically there is no way in hell this is an opportunity at anything. I could just find a different location to play but that's not the point. The point is that I'm not going to let anyone talk bad about what I love to do. After what Ed said to me last night I thought about it for a while as a burning hatred flared up inside me. I will not have anyone who is in the same position as I am, talk down to me. It is beyond rude and he has no place to say shit about my voice, my dream.

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