Chapter 6:

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Mindy's POV:

"Shit, shit, shit." I continue to curse under my breath as I untie my apron and slide my phone from my pocket. Harry told me to text him as soon I was done working my shift. It took a while for me to agree, but I reluctantly let him put his number in my phone so he and Ed weren't waiting all day once they were finished eating.

Why are you even worried about Ed? My subconscious creeps its opinion into my thoughts and I mentally tell her to quiet herself. I can't believe how quickly I let my guard down with Ed. How could I just allow myself to be polite with him when he insulted me and my music only days before? He has a certain quality that makes me want to figure him out, not to mention he has a beautifully talented voice that can draw anyone to him. But I don't particularly like the way he spoke to me before, I hate the way he made me feel small in front of Austin and I feel uneasy now with the way he treated me today. He was so nice, sweet even, like he was a completely changed person. Or maybe I was just to blind to see who he really was. I find myself worrying over a man I've met only a few days ago.

'It's Mindy.' I type out the text and send it to Harry. While waiting for a response I occupy myself with my thoughts once more.

You've just met the guy, Mindy. The voice in my head reminds me. Don't you think you're ridiculously overreacting? I am overreacting. I have only just met the guy. Once again, the voice is right. Why was he engulfing my mind already, creating a tidal wave of thoughts?

'Finally. Work tomorrow too?'  My phone vibrates as Harry's text comes through. This is crazy, why did I allow this man to have my number. He's nice and all but he could be a murderer as far as my knowledge about him goes. I find my thumbs involuntarily typing 'Yes,' and sending it.

'Same here. Fancy a free Starbucks drink in the morning? (;' I chuckle at the thought of Harry working at Starbucks. He has an edge to him that I can't imagine someone working at a coffee shop would have. He seems like the type of person to work at a tattoo shop or bar, with his messy hair and ink covered arms, although once you speak to him, his sweet and charming personality makes his appearance seem like it shouldn't belong to him. I take him up on his offer and start my journey home. I always talk about wanting to have fun, and seeing the rough-bad boy looking man behind a Starbucks counter making me a girly drink will surely be enjoyable.

So I find myself in Starbucks at ten in the morning, sitting down drinking a free coffee at a small corner table with Harry, who is wasting his break by keeping me company. I pushed a few times that he let me pay but he insisted that it was his treat. I smiled at his kindness and we made small talk for a few minutes before he nervously shifts his own drink in his hands.

"Too hot?" I inquire and he shakes his head no. I raise an eyebrow, trying to forerun a conversation from his odd action.

"So, Ed and I-Well actually mostly Ed, But I would be quite happy if..." He must realize he's rambling because he starts again. "Would you like to join us for dinner later on tonight? I know it may seem mental but..." He's evaluating me with a tentative grin on his face and I try to smile back at him to ease his anxious nerves, but fail.

"Mostly Ed?" I push, despite his nervous smile and I can tell he's really uncomfortable now, more so than before. Harry swallows down his drink hard before answering.

"It was his idea."

I find myself blushing and agreeing to join them later tonight simultaneously and I'm unsure why I did either.

Ed's POV:

My fingers are nervously tapping on the cool counter top as I watch Harry skillfully toss more spices on the chicken before he stuffs them into the pre-heated oven.

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