Chapter 6 - Game With No Name

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Chapter 6

Luke's POV

"Can you last an hour without her?" I ask him. He checks his phone.

"Yea- no." He says, shoving his phone in his pocket.

"No way. I am not going on another long arse drive with you guys." Michael refuses.

"We can play a game." Ashton suggests.

"We all know what game you're talking about." I say.

"Yeah, you randomly text us, which you call "beginning the game"." Calum says, using air quotations.

"Lets go!" Ashton cheers. And they said I wasn't sane. They apparently haven't met Ashton. We all pile into my car, and start the long ride.

"Hey Luke?" Calum says next to me.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"Are you ever gonna ask Addi out?" He asks. I freeze. Yeah, ask the driver this.

"Why are you asking?" I ask him.

"Cause we know you want to!" Ashton chirps from the back. My face burns bright red.

"Doesn't mean I have the guts to." I say. They know I don't. I don't see why they're even asking. Wait...

"What are you planning?" I ask, suspiciously.

"Nothing." Michael says.

"Yet." They all add. Creepy much?

"Just don't fuck anything up when you do plan something." I say.

"Ok." They all nod. I swear, they all must share a brain. Calum has the most out of them.

"Game time!" Ashton exclaims suddenly.

"No!" We all groan. Ashton glares at us.

"Since we don't have enough of our own songs, we're doing the 1D lads' songs too." Ashton says.

"Ok wait, we have to guess the song, from like 5 different albums?" I ask.

"Yes." Ashton answers.

"Ok, start." Calum tells him.

"Wait, are you doing songs that we covered? Or just our original songs?" Michael asks. I was thinking the same thing.

"Both." He answers.

"Ok." Michael says, nodding his head.

"Ok, I'm starting." Ashton informs us.

"I admit I'm a bit of a victim in-"

"Disconnected." I say.

"Yup." He nods. He sits silently for a moment, thinking.

"If you don't swim, you'll drown, but don't move-"

"She Looks So Perfect." Me, Calum, and Mikey say.

"Weirdos. Yup." Ashton says, pretending he didn't just call us weirdos. He's the strange one here.

"Next!" Mikey calls. Ashton rolls his eyes, but starts thinking.

"Maybe it's the way she walked, straight into my heart and stole it." Ashton says. I know this. I'm gonna kill myself if I can't remember it.

"Best Song Ever!" Calum suddenly says. I should really pay more attention to driving than this game.

"That took a while." Ashton states.

"I knew it!" Mikey complains.

"So did I!" I say.

"Ok next one." Ashton says. He then starts thinking.

[ON HOLD] Love Drunk // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now