2. Heading to Alola

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(Image Credit: dCTb on DeviantArt) 

"The plane to the Alola region will be leaving shortly! I repeat, the plane to the Alola region will be leaving shortly!"

Y/N hugged Uncle Terry and then Drury. She looked up at the Machamp. "Take care buddy. I'll miss you," she said sadly but with a smile. Drury nodded and looked at Sun. Sun noticed and smirked, pulling out a fist bump which the pokemon fist bumped back with all his four arms happily. Uncle Terry laughed, shaking his head. "Alright, alright. Now that we said our goodbyes, it's time to head to your plane. Don't want to be late!"  He turned to Sun and handed him the paper. 

"Remember, you're looking for Professor Kukui. Tall guy, somewhat good looking, never usually wears a shirt."

Sun nods confusedly, and he and Y/N walk off to their flight, waving goodbye.

The speakers in the airport were loud and anxious, making people run all over the place anxiously, not wanting to miss their flight. As Sun and Y/N headed to the check out, she noticed Sun a little down. She nudged him, grinning. "Don't worry bro, things will get better. I mean, I'm going to miss Kanto and...Lapras, but Uncle Terry is trying his best for-"

"No he's not!," yelled Sun. People glanced and stared at him but then continued on walking. 

Sun blushed, sighing. "...I'm sorry sis. It's just hard, leaving a place that you been your whole life. I-I'll find us our seats, you go ahead and meet me there."  He left her alone as he walked away, heading towards the plane. Y/N looked down uncertain.

As the plane began to ascend, they relaxed in their chairs. As Y/N ate her pudding and Sun ate his granola bar, the speaker came on. "Hello passengers! I am Liza, your guide for today. Please follow the rules for yours and everyone's safety. Now, have a nice trip!"  The plane now began to go sky high, smoothly flying in the air.  

"So, you ready sis? Ready for this completely new region?,"  Sun said simply, a few crumbs falling off his mouth and landing on his shirt. Y/N flinched. "Please finish what you're eating before talking. And yes, I'm ready."  Sun nodded and then stretched, dozing off. She couldn't help but smile. It wasn't even dark yet, but he was a big napper. Just like dad.

Y/N woke up at the sound of snoring. Still dazed, she looked towards the window. 

Such a beautiful night...I wonder if every pokemon is asleep right now. 

She turned towards Sun, who was the one snoring, still having a few crumbs on his chin and shirt. Y/N yawned. She turned around again, facing the window. She cuddled with her Pikachu plush that was given to her by her cousin, and hoped that Alola would  be a good place to stay. 

A place with nice people. A place with lots of curiosity. A place...with an adventure.

And hopefully, something interesting happens.

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