Four | First day pt. 2

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Alexa's POV

It was him.
Ethan Dolan.
I was frozen on the spot, I couldn't believe it. Am I dreaming? Is it really him? No, maybe it's Grayson.

You know damn well that boy isn't Grayson, honey. 

I just stood there, staring at him, at his eyes. They're no different from the eyes I stared into the last night I was with him. Except at the time they were full of lust, hunger, and desire.

I admire his eyes once again, and immediately take back what I said. His eyes... they look so... cold. Has he gotten any sleep? I start to wonder, noticing the dark circles under his eyes. His face expression looks so neutral, no emotion.

And his clothes. He's wearing- what is he wearing? A jean vest, with black jeans and boots. It looks hot, but it doesn't seem like the typical Ethan, he's badass, but in a playful way. I know that's quite confusing, but, Ethan wouldn't wear this unless there was some type of occasion. What happened?

Because I was zoning out, I didn't even realize that I looked like an absolute idiot, with my arms still stretched out with books in hand.

After what felt like years just standing there, he takes a breath and quickly snatched the books out of my hands harshly. The bell rings and he takes a cold look at me before entering the classroom beside us.

The bell rings, meaning class has started. I'm late for class, I shouldn't be here. I should be in class, but I just can't wrap my head around what just happened. By now I'm probably late by ten minutes, I stay a litte longer and I'll be late by thirty. And longer, I'll be late by an hour. I might as well not go to class, but no, that's not what Alexa would do.

I sigh as I grab my backpack and search for my schedule.

What the hell?

I thought, as I scramble through the backpack  looking for it. I keep searching until it hit me, I was holding it earlier when I bumped into Ethan.

Oh crap.

It must've went along with his books, I might've gave that to him too unintentionally.

Without thinking, I open the door that Ethan went into, instantly regretting it. This class just started. Everyone, and I mean everyone had their eyes on me. The teacher, even, stopped writing on the board, and was looking at me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry-"

"Miss Alexa Evans?" She snaps, putting down the piece of calk, and started to walk to me.


"Are you Miss Evans?" She says, flashing a smile and leads me to the front.

What? How does she know my name? I look at her confused, what the fuck?

She chuckles, "Oh we've been waiting for you. I'm Ms. Smith, you probably don't recognize me, I'm new." She kindly introduces herself.

I nod, forcing a smile, finding it hard from the nervousness and confusion. Isn't Ethan here? Of course he is. I probably look like an idiot right now.

"Well, welcome back. We're happy to have you here, take a seat." She says, pointing at an empty seat by the middle,

"...beside Mr. Dolan." She continues.

I almost choke on my own saliva. I look at her, and she's obviously oblivious to what she's making me do.

I gulp once, and start walking. Eyes start to find their way to me, some I find familiar, some I don't. A couple of faces smile, some seem completely uninterested. As I try my best to walk straight, I lay my eyes on Ethan, who is already looking at me. Oh god I shouldn't have looked. He shoots me a look that I immediately find too intimidating just for something so simple.

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