Eight | Hallways

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Alexa's POV

As I finished my breakfast, I recieve a text from Mia.

Mia: where are you?

Me: home, why?

Mia: come to school now.

Me: why? Is there a problem?

Mia: just make it fast and come to school, right. now.

Confused, I get up from my chair and greet mom and dad goodbye, before running to the door and sprinting to my car.

Not knowing why, my heart starts to beat rapidly, sensing something bad going on.

I pull up in the parking lot and sprint to the gates, seeing Mia from ten feet away. I approach her, breathless from all the running.

"Where have you been?!" She asks, completely pissed.

"I got here as fast as I can, and you're the one who's rushing me so don't even start." I tell her, taking deep breaths.

"Just come inside." She says, pulling my hand towards the doors and walks fast.

As we were walking I hear a fainted sound of chanting, until we reach the hallways to see a whole crowd with their fists up, repeating the word, "Fight."

I look at Mia, confused. "What the hell is going on here?" I ask her.

"Ethan's in a fight right now." She tells me, and my stomach drops.

I instantly push through the crowd, with Mia trying to catch up and trying to stop me.

I reach the front and see Ethan with a boy twice his size, beating him up on the ground as he tries to dodge every punch, but failing. His face was loaded with bruises and cuts, blood seeping out from every single one.

I go and try to push the guy over, begging him to stop. He didn't seem to care, grasping Ethan's collar tighter and giving him harder punches.

"What is going on here!" The principal's voice echoes through the crowd, silencing every student chanting.

He makes his way to the front and the guy beating up Ethan sees, chickening out and running away.

The principal catches a glimpse of Ethan on the ground, completely drained and beat up. He looks at him as if feeling sorry, but looks up again to see where the boy is headed, and made that his current priority.

"Take him to to the nurse." He says, looking at me before sprinting to follow the boy and he disappears in the halls.

I look at Ethan, his face all bloody. He looks away, not saying a word. Murmurs were heard as the students walked away, giving me and Ethan looks as they whisper to each other.

"Ethan, we need to get you to the nurse, you-"

"I'm fine." He cuts me off, looking the other direction.

"No Ethan, you're hurt and you-"

"I said I'm fine." He shoots back finally looking at me.

I look at him in disbelief as he tries to pick himself up, failing immediately.

"And I said, you're hurt, and you need help. So stop cutting me off because you know I'm right mister." I look into his eyes, trying to seem intimidating. I try to keep my focus as he looks into mine, trying to pull me in with  his gorgeous hazel orbs.

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