Five | Alissa

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Alexa's POV

Alissa. The Regina George of town. Making out with.. Ethan.. Dolan.

Mia must've noticed me staring, when she clears her throat to get my attention.

"So uh, I don't know if you've heard but, Ethan is-"

"Different, he's a little different." Grayson butts in, cutting Mia off.

Mia rolls her eyes, and takes a sip of her milkshake.

"There's no need to hide your brother's impure secrets, Gray, everyone knows already. She's gonna find out one way or another, it's better if it comes from us." Mia snaps, while I try to listen, avoiding the scandalous scene from across our table.

When I was away from here, I took back every thought about falling for Ethan the night we were together. The sex did it to my head, it sounds disgusting, but I'm pretty sure that's what it was. Right? Nothing else.

"Alexa? Are you listening?" Mia says, tapping my shoulder. I can't let my mind slip into the arms of my thoughts that often. I can't even pay attention to my friend.

"Yeah! Yes. I am." I reply, catching a glimpse of Alissa and Ethan.

"Okay, well, Ethan Dolan is now a big fat douche. and he makes out with.. pretty much everyone, he also hooks up with every girl that touches him, he's known for being the fucking bad boy now basically." She says, taking a sip of my milkshake.

I laugh, thinking all that she said was hilarious. This must be some kind of joke, Ethan would never so those things.

"You're kidding, right?" I chuckle as I get my milkshake back.

"Uh.." she responds, looking at Grayson, who is avoiding eye contact, as if trying not to get invloved in the conversation.

"Grayson?" I snap, waiting for his opinion.

He jumps, and looks at me. "I-uh.. hmm.. you see- I gotta go to the bathroom." He stands up, trying to escape.

I grab his arm and pull him down, "Not. So. Fast." I tell him, wrapping my hands around his shoulders signaling that he can't move without answering.

He sighs, and I let go of him.

"Where do I start?" He asks me, wanting to get this over with.

"Wherever you want to start. I don't know shit about it, how'd I know where you should start?" I say sarcastically, annoying him.

"Ugh, okay, okay." He looks down and blinks twice, as if trying to recall, and looks at Mia and I. I raise my brow, waiting for him to start.

He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, preparing.

"Jesus just start already." I snap, annoyed, knowing that he was only stalling.

He sighs again, "Fine!" And rolls his eyes.

"Well, it just started about a year ago, out of nowhere he started to just go to parties, and he started not talking to me." He starts, looking at me.

I nod, signaling him to keep going.

"I thought it was just a phase, or some problem he had, that he wouldn't tell me, but  until now he barely talks to me, or mom, dad, or Cameron. And when he does, he's just plain rude. One day I saw him looking at the mirror, like, he was disappointed, and sad, and angry, and I had... never seen him like that."

As Grayson paused, I felt myself feeling bad for him, and Ethan. I put my arm on his back, comforting him.

He smiles, and takes a breath to continue.

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