She is not here
I want to talk with her but I don't know how to face this
I don't know how to tell her what I feel
I don't know anything
I'm just so confused
I feel like I can't breath
I feel like I'm nothing
I'm just... So messed up
So lost. So sad. So tiredI really really need her. She is the only one I can talk to. But Im being so selfish! She is listening to me every single day and she doesn't need it! I can't make her do this, she doesn't have to take care of any thing that comes to my mind. She doesn't need this!
I don't know what to do, what to feel
I don't know
Por Esos Lápices Rotos [¿Poesía?]
PoetryTextos. Palabras torpes y atoradas que salen sin prisa ni pausa. A veces con rimas, a veces como textos y a veces sin sentido (casi siempre) Pero, después de todo Solo son t e x t o s Mis textos. (50% Idk, 50% idc)