Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s POV

As I headed to work in the morning, I couldn't help but think of what had happened yesterday. I couldn't let Goshi find out about the real relationship I had with Yumiko.

"(Y/n), you're here early," exclaimed Mr Hitoshi.
"Huh? Yeah, my brother had to go to work early."
"Do you live with him?"
"No, sir. He always offers to take me to work and doesn't take no as an answer."
"Well, since you're here early, go get three cups of coffee. Make sure they're all flat whites."
"Yes sir."

After putting my stuff away, I went back outside to get the coffee. Geez, why was he so obsessed with flat whites? Has he even bothered to try any other types of coffee?

While walking, I noticed something unusual. Well, it was as unusual as it could get anyway. What the hell was Yumiko doing with my brother?

I knew it was rude of me but I had to hear what they were talking about. Damn it...the distance was making it a little too difficult to hear some of the words.

"Sure, that'll be great," I heard Yuuta say.
"Really? Then this weekend?"
"Yeah, I'll just check with my manager."
"Great, see you then Yuuta."
"Okay, bye Yumiko."

What the hell? Did they just arrange for a date or something? Tch, that girl. Now she was even trying to take my brother away from me. I honestly didn't know what to do about her.

*sigh* I leaned against the tree and looked at the sky. Why was I so weak? Why did I allow myself to be influenced by her stupid threats?...


"Hey (Y/n), can we talk in private?" Yumiko asked.

I simply nodded and followed her like a lost puppy. She had started working here only a few weeks before me. Why she needed to talk to me, I had no idea.

"Can you help me with this?"

She handed me a few documents with information on the new article that was going to be released in about two weeks time.

"Help you? How?"
"Look, I really hate you. How can someone like you know all of B Project's idols? Like seriously..."
"Excuse me?"
"You're just a lowly intern, but I heard that your writing skills are the best. From now on, you'll be writing my articles for me, got that?"
"And why should I help you?"
"Because if you don't, I'll talk to the media about how you're not really Yuuta's sister."
"Why would I care about that?"
"Think about it. If they found out about that, what would happen to their reputation?"
"Sorry but that won't be enough to bring them down."
"Then what about this?"

I took the envelope from her hands and ripped it open. What? How did she get her hands on this? These were obviously lies, made-up stories.

"I know someone who would be willing to make these fake photographs for me. If you don't want them to be released and seen by the public, then I suggest you help me."

~Flashback end~

Damn her, if it wasn't for those fake photographs, then my life would've been much easier. Why did I have to deal with her? She should've moved overseas.

Oh right, the coffee. I shouldn't be wasting time standing here like this. Mr Hitoshi would get mad at me for sure if I were to be late.

As I headed inside, I couldn't help but feel that Yumiko seemed a little different than usual. She was more...cheerful in a way. Why? Was it because of her 'date' with Yuuta?

"You seem happy today, Yumiko," Mr Hitoshi commented.
"Yes sir, I am."
"Why? Did you get yourself a date or something?" Miya asked with a smirk.
"*blush* Maybe."
"Omg! You have to tell me!"

Geez, why did my brother even agree to this? I thought he knew better than to accept going on dates with random girls. Well, not like I could do anything about it.

Goshi's POV

"Why do you look so happy?"
"Ah, no reason," Yuuta replied cheekily.
"Tch, did something good happen?"
"Maybe, maybe not. It's a secret."
"Have you told (Y/n)?" Kento asked.
"No, not yet. I don't know when to."
"First of all, what is this about?"
"None of your business."
"Let me guess. You're meeting up with that stupid girl from before? The one who you think (Y/n)'s friends with?"
"Eh?! How did you know?"
"From that weird look on your face."
"Guys, we need to get going for the photoshoot," exclaimed Tsubasa.

I sighed heavily. Yuuta was sometimes so hopeless. How could he not tell that (Y/n) clearly did not like that fake friend? Was it just me that noticed?

"Oh and don't speak of Yumiko as if she's someone we can't trust," Yuuta exclaimed before leaving me alone.

Tch, it seemed like the whole world was against me. Even (Y/n) denied the fact that she hated Yumiko. I don't understand. Why won't she just tell me the truth? Was I that...untrustworthy?

"Kaneshiro, we need to go."

I followed her outside and got into the car. Yuuta seemed to be happily texting someone, most likely Yumiko. Geez, did he forget that he had (Y/n)? She was supposed to be his sister and yet, he was texting some random girl?

Kento put his hand on my arm, making me look at him. He just gave me a stern look, as if telling me to let it go for now. Tch, I shook his arm off before focusing my attention on the scenery passing by.

What was I supposed to do? No one believed me, and I definitely did not feel like working with Kento. I was already in a group with him.

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