Chapter 8

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(Y/n)'s POV

The slow tick-tock of the clock rung loud and clear in my ears. I laid down and stared at the white ceiling. Like a colourless cell, I was enveloped in the cruel embrace of a capturer. Why did I have to be controlled by these stupid one-sided feelings?

If only I hadn't grown feelings for Goshi...damn it. It's not like he was my first love...okay, maybe he was. Wait, that just made it worse. The first heartbreak was always the hardest...

The loud ringing of my phone startled me from my thoughts. *sigh* It was already so late. Who would bother to call me? I checked the screen.

"Hey Yuuta," I exclaimed, putting on my best 'everything was fine' voice.
"Sorry about today. I was..."
"Yuuta, don't worry. You don't have to hang out with me everyday."
"... I'm sorry," was all he said before hanging up.

I stared at my phone. That was...sudden. But I still didn't get it. What was so hard about telling me? I wasn't that bad of a sister...was I?

Ouch! I must've been squeezing my hand too much. My left hand was now bleeding from the wounds my nails had made. Was it too much to ask for more physical pain rather than emotional heartaches?

~The next day~

Momotaro had called to ask if I had free time today. Of course I did, all my weekends had no plans. At least, I had nothing to do if Yumiko didn't tell me to write any articles.

"Hey Hikaru, just tell me where we're going."
"Nup, not till we get there," he replied with a cheeky grin.
"Then there would be no point."

I pouted as I followed them along the busy streets. Kitakore was recording their new song today so they couldn't hang out with us. As for Thrive...neither Goshi not Yuuta picked up any of our calls. Kento answered but quickly dismissed our questions with a simple 'sorry, we're busy' statement.

Something was wrong, everyone could tell. But the exact problem was a little difficult to pinpoint. We sorta had a general idea but weren't 100% sure.

"Oi, how much longer do we have to walk for?"
"Not much longer," Kazuna replied.
"You really don't like walking, do you?" Momotaro asked.
"And you noticed just now?"
"Oh, we're here!" Mikado exclaimed excitedly.

I sighed in frustration.

Tsubasa's POV

This was hopeless. I couldn't focus right now. I kept getting distracted by useless things...well, they weren't exactly useless.

"Hey Tsubasa, mind getting us some coffee?" Kitakado asked.

I headed outside, where I could finally breathe. To be honest, I still couldn't get what had happened yesterday out of my head. Pathetic, wasn't it?

It seemed as if (Y/n) was jealous of me. Well, I shouldn't be surprised. She was really close to Kaneshiro so it'd be no surprise if they started dating. But I...didn't want that.

I knew it was wrong for me to think this but I couldn't help it. The things that he did for me yesterday warmed my heart. He may not have thought much about it but I have.

I guess you could call it 'love at first sight'. That moment when he rushed in to save me was the moment when I first saw him. I didn't really bother to take much of an interest in him until now.

So with what I had been thinking about, there was no way I could just forget about it and focus on my work. And plus, I was worried...worried that Kaneshiro may already have feelings for (Y/n). Hopefully he didn't but it was clear that (Y/n) loved him.

It wasn't fair. She shouldn't be upset that I spent some time with him. He wasn't hers. He didn't belong to anyone so what right did she have to do that? I wasn't in the wrong here.


Kitakore had finished with their work for today so I decided to go over to Thrive's apartment. Apparently (Y/n) was with Moons today so it should be fine for me to sneak in for a little while.

As I knocked on the door, I noticed a strange feeling creeping up into my chest. Of course, I would be nervous. After all, every girl got nervous around the guy they liked.

Aizome opened the door, looking good as usual, without a hair out of place. But he looked a little...different. Maybe it was because of his slightly paler complexion or maybe it was because of his forced facial expression.

"What brings you here today? Don't tell were looking for me to confess your love?" he asked with a somewhat playful smirk.
"Eh? What? No, I just came by to say hello."
"Oh...sorry but can you come back later?"
"*yawns* Who is it?" asked a sleepy-looking Ashu.
"It's just Tsubasa," replied Aizome.

Ashu was quickly back to his usual cheerful self. It was as if he never was sleepy in the first place. I flashed him a small smile as he greeted me happily. Well, he at least seemed 'normal'.

My heart dropped as Kaneshiro didn't bother to show up at the door, even though Aizome called for him. Did he not want to see me? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?

"Well, anyway, here's Kaneshiro's jacket. I washed it for him."
"Thanks, I'll let him know," Aizome replied while giving me a wink.
"Ken-Ken, stop with the flirting. Not every girl likes it," Ashu exclaimed.

He only laughed in reply before disappearing from my view. I looked at the hallway, eagerly trying to spot Kaneshiro. Ashu followed my gaze then looked back at me with a confused expression.

"Are you looking for something?" he asked.
"Huh? No, sorry. I'll get going."
"Okay, bye."

I waved before hesitantly leaving. Why did my heart feel so heavy?...

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