Chapter 24

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(Y/n)'s POV

Two hours had passed ever since Yuuta collapsed in front of my apartment. What was he thinking? If he was feeling ill, shouldn't he have gone to the hospital?

I looked at him and frowned. His condition wasn't getting much better than when I first saw him. It seemed like he had a slight fever. *sigh* Since when did he get so sick?

"Oh, you're awake."

He sat up and seemed to look around cluelessly before realising what had happened. I looked at him expectantly. There must be some kind of explanation for this, right?

I waited patiently as he sipped the cold glass of water. His eyes never met mine even when I thought that he was ready to talk.

"I found out about Yumiko," he exclaimed quietly.
"By that, you mean...?"
"Yeah, I found out what she did to you."

Why did she tell him? I thought she would try every means possible to try to break apart our relationship so why? What could she have gotten out of this?

"Apparently Goshi threatened her somehow. I don't know what he said to her but it was enough to scare her," Yuuta explained.
"Are you...okay?"
"Of course I'm not. I thought she loved me but in reality, I was just a toy. She probably never even felt anything for me."

Tears were sliding down his cheeks although his expression was emotionless. It was as if Yumiko took all his emotions with her when she told him.

"She said that she really did love me, but I just don't know anymore. Apparently Goshi also broke up with Tsubasa. She seemed upset but was a lot more composed than I thought."
"I'm sorry."
"Huh? Why are you apologising? I was the one at fault..."

He couldn't hold it in anymore. I passed him a few tissues but he only pulled me in by the arm and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry! I trusted her over you...I'm sorry..."
"It wasn't your fault-"
"It was. I should've never gotten close to her. It was my fault. I pushed you away because I thought I loved her. I never even paid any attention to the people that were right beside me..."
"Yuuta, this isn't like you. You're supposed to be optimistic and cheerful. Don't cry, it doesn't suit you."
"'re right. I'll get over this somehow."

He wiped his tears away and managed to smile.

~Some time later~

Kento and Goshi had rushed over after I told them what had happened. I guess they really were concerned about Yuuta.

"*sigh* For some reason, I just knew that he would rush over to (Y/n)'s place," commented Kento.
"Obviously, where else would I go?" Yuuta commented with a pout.
"Hey, I need to talk to you," Goshi exclaimed while pulling me towards the balcony.

I nearly tripped over the table from the way he pulled me. Yuuta was barely able to keep his laughter in, which I found even more annoying than just laughing straight out.

"Oi, you could've at least been a little gentler."
"I've talked to Tsubasa," he said, completely ignoring my previous statement.
"So? What happened?"
"She took it all better than I thought. To be honest, I was expecting her to start crying or something but she apparently already knew that I didn't love her."
"Hmm? How?"
"I don't know but I'm glad she didn't make a big fuss over it."
"Oh, that reminds me. What did you say to Yumiko?"
"Just a few things," he replied with a small smirk.

I sweatdropped. Geez, for such a big scaredy-cat, he really had no fears when it came to things like this. Suddenly, big rain drops starting hitting the earth like bullets. We hurriedly rushed inside and closed the glass doors.

"Well, it's almost night. Want to invite everyone over for dinner?" Kento asked.
"Oi, my apartment is not a restaurant. I don't have that much food."
"Then we can just ask them to bring some groceries over," Yuuta replied.
"Then are you gonna help me with the cooking?"

I smiled and ruffled his hair. Goshi hugged me from behind, pulling me away from Yuuta. But without warning, Yuuta pulled me back, claiming that Goshi had no right to 'steal' me.

"*sigh* So are you three gonna call them or are you leaving all that to me?" Kento asked.
"You're in charge of that, Ken-Ken," Yuuta said while happily pulling me to his side.

Now it was my turn to sigh as Yuuta and Goshi argued back and forth about who I belonged to. I looked at Kento for help but he simply smirked before walking away to make the phone calls.

Tch, what a great friend he was. The whole time we were waiting, I was wedged between the two, unable to move. Kento was sitting on the armchair, ignoring the situation.

"Are you two going to let go or do I have to make you?"
"That's not fair. We should be able to cut you in half," Yuuta reasoned with his weird logic.
"What? Cut me in half?-"
"I'm being serious."
"Well, whether you're really being serious or not, I am not going to be cut in half."

He just laughed. I took this chance to stand up and sit beside Kento.

"Oi, why the hell did you move? You were perfectly fine before," Goshi exclaimed.
"Was I really?"

He just rolled his eyes before glaring at Kento in jealousy. I could feel Kento's eyes on me as he cleared his throat. I turned around and poked my tongue out, ignoring his death glares.

"So when are the others gonna arrive?"
"In around 5-10 minutes I think," replied Kento.
"Have you thought about what we're gonna make for dinner?"
"How is that my job?"
"Hmph, you sound really annoyed. Why? Did I do something to offend you?"
"Yes, you did. I do not intend to be the cause of Goshi's jealousy."
"Well, just deal with it."

I heard him sigh before smiling. The others smiled too, which made all of us just start laughing randomly. There wasn't any reason to be mad in the first place...

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