Chapter 19

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(Y/n)'s POV

~One week later~

Phew, slipping past those guards wasn't easy. Luckily they were kinda stupid or else I wouldn't have been able to come see this.

The lights dimmed, leaving only the lit-up stage. Loud music blasted through the speakers, signalling the start of the concert.

I stood at the back in anticipation of watching B Project's full concert. A lot of things had happened in the past week. Wait, let me rephrase that. A lot of stuff had been going on involving all of B Project's idols and their relationship with Yumiko and Tsubasa.

As for me, I've...lost my job. It was the work of Yumiko. She even admitted it to me in private. I had no idea what she said to Mr Hitoshi but I was pretty sure it was something that would damage my career life.

Now, I was a jobless wreck who didn't even have enough money to pay for a ticket to watch my brother's concert. What a great life I had...not.

I watched as Thrive, Kitakore and Moons came on stage with huge smiles on their faces. A small aching pain grew in my chest but I simply ignored it and watched as they sang and danced.

Even though we haven't seen each other for the week, I could tell that they had practised a lot for this every day. The efforts and feelings that they put in were conveyed in their voices and choreography.

Their performance took my breath away. By the end of it, I had forgotten all of my misfortune and was filled with an overwhelmingly happy feeling.

Before I knew it, I began cheering for them even though I was supposed to be hiding. I didn't care if the guards had found me. Their concert was just too amazing. I was glad that I had come.

"Oi, there she is!"

Damn it. I ducked under the larger guard's arms and ran past the others. They all began chasing me as I pushed past them.

"Anyone know who she is?" asked the one in charge as they chased in pursuit.
"No sir, we didn't see her face," replied one of his subordinates.

Damn, they were going to catch up at this point. What should I do? I was almost at the exit, just a few more metres. I think I can make it.

As I reached for the door, a hand shot out and grabbed my arm, pulling them behind my back. I kicked at the guard's legs, trying to get free but it was no use. He had a lot more strength than me.

"Let me go!"
"Sorry little missy. The boss'll have to decide what to do with you. You watched the concert without paying for a ticket. If you want to see B Project's performance then I suggest you pay."
"That's enough. Take off her hood."

I cursed under my breath as the guard holding me pulled my hood off. The one in charge stared at me in a second of surprise before maintaining his posture.

"Huh? Aren't you...what was his name again? That pink-haired one, that's your brother right?"

I kept my mouth shut. Legally he was but now, I wasn't so sure anymore. No one, no one, bothered to call or ask if I was okay. I wasn't sure...if I was even a part of their family.

"Giving me the silent treatment won't get you out of this, young miss. You either pay now or we'll have to give you a fine. And let me tell you this, the fine'll be much more expensive than the tickets," he exclaimed calmly.
"...I can't."
"Well, I'm sorry but those are your only choices."

I met his stoic expression with what I hoped to be a confident smirk.

"Sorry mister, but I'm not the average girl that can be tied down by someone else's rules."
"I'm sorry but we'll have to give you a fine-"

My eyes widened as I looked at who had just joined our conversation. That was...B Project's manager, Yashamaru. What was he doing here?

"I'll take care of her," he said while placing a steady hand on my shoulder.
"I said...I'll take care of her. Do you have a problem with that?"
"N-no. Boys, we're leaving."

The guard that had his hands on my arms let go and walked off with the rest of his group. I rubbed my arms. They had gotten sore from how tight his inhuman grip was.

"(Y/n), I haven't seen you in ages. But I never expected that I would be saving your butt from getting fined as our first meeting," Yashamaru exclaimed with a smile.
"Ah, sorry...and thank you."
"So? Why did you sneak in? I'm sure your brother would've gotten you a ticket if you couldn't afford one yourself."
"Well...It's kinda complicated..."

He rested his chin on his hand, looking at me with a worried expression. I quickly smiled and waved my hands as if it was no big deal. His concern didn't waver so I eventually gave up.

"Hey Yashamaru, how was our performance?" I heard the cheerful voice of my brother ask.

I immediately pulled the hood over my head and started towards the door. But Yashamaru's hand stopped me from going any further. I glared at him but he showed no signs of letting me go.

"Your performance was great! I'm sure all your fans felt the same way," he replied.
"Huh? Who's that?" Mikado asked.
"Oh, this girl?"

I was turned to face the boys. Yashamaru pulled my hood down, revealing my face to everyone. Their eyes all widened in surprise.

I was too nervous to meet any of them in the eye so I kept my gaze on the floor. The first one to speak was the person I had least expected to.

"What are you doing here?"

Goshi's cold voice pierced through the silence like a blade cutting through flesh. I finally looked up, allowing myself to face them head-on.

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