Chapter Seven

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I woke up the next morning feeling content, my mate was cuddled into my side with her head on my chest. I looked down to see Skie's eyebrows drawn in and a cute little pout on her face.

I need to pee. I carefully unwrapped my arm from around her shoulders and tried to move her head off my chest. Skie groaned and stretched then sat up looking around blearily. I smiled at her grogginess but then had to jump up and go to the bathroom when my bladder started protesting.

I finished up in the bathroom to come out and see Skie picking up some of the rubbish from our movie marathon last night. "You don't need to do that. I can do it later.", I walked over and took the rubbish from her hands.

"How's your back? Is it still hurting?" I turned her around and saw the still angry red welts on her back. I wish she was a werewolf, then she would be healed already.

"I'm fine. Are my brothers still here?" I nod and help her lay on the bed. I pick up the ointment the doc gave me and start rubbing it gently on her back.

"Dylan has been crying since you passed out. Aaron and Xavier have been trying to calm him down." I finished rubbing in the cream then helped her get up and dressed.

Skie could only wear sports bras and jogging bottoms, till her back healed. I wasn't happy, I caught a few males looking her over last night at dinner. But then I also liked it because it gave me an excuse to look at her body.

"Can you take me to him?" I could see the love for her baby brother in her eyes.

We were sitting on the back porch with Dylan wrapped up in Skie's arms. As soon as he saw her earlier he was squirming around and reaching his arms out. Dylan's been clinging to her neck ever since. I think he could tell something was wrong with her.

I looked out over the back yard with the forest framing it all around, the children were playing hide and seek or something and Seth was joining in.

I was really glad Skie had accepted me as her mate. I don't know what I would have done if she'd rejected me.

"Hey Alpha, come join in. We need an extra player.", I looked to my left and saw a group of male wolfs standing a makeshift pitch, one holding a rugby ball.

I looked over to Skie and saw her smiling at the boys. "Go on I'll be fine.", I hesitated but then gave a quick kiss and jogged over to the boys.


I was watching Ryder and Brad pick out teams with amusement. Apparently Ryder was taking all the good ones and Brad was left with the 'crap' ones. Ryder called him a few names to do with being a big baby then swapped teams with him.

I tried putting Dylan on the side of the swing seat I was sitting on, but everytime I tried to move him he would cling on tighter and start crying. I gave up and just manoeuvred myself so I was lying with my legs up on the swing seat and my back against the arm. Dylan wriggled around fir a bit but then found a comfortable spot on my chest with his head tucked into the crook of my neck.

"Luna, can I sit next to you to colour in my pictures?", I looked down to see a pretty fir about five holding a colouring book and pack of crayons.

"Sure sweety, if you want help just ask me.", she nodded and smiled before laying on her stomach and pulling all the crayons out the box before lining them up on the decking. I remembered Ryder telling me her name was Susie when he introduced me to her parents.

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