Chapter Seventeen

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I had to try and feed Dylan while I was sharing food out for everyone, not easy when he was screaming and throwing the food around. "Ryder can you hold him for a while please?", I asked while I was distracted by the food. I saw Ryder's face go white when he looked at the screaming baby and smiled.

" Sure *cough * sure.", I giggled as his voice broke before he coughed and sounded tough. Did I seriously just giggle? I thought. I shook my head and carried on with the food. My stomach growled reminding me I was starving so I hurried to hand out the food.

When everyone had sat down and was eating I grabbed myself a plate and sat down next to Ryder, who was still holding a screaming Dylan. I smiled and took Dylan onto my lap to let Ryder eat his dinner.

I was feeding Dylan little bits of my food as while I was eating and looked around. All the pack members seemed to be enjoying their food, but I noticed everyone was on their phones or tablets and iPads.

I tried starting a conversation with one of the younger girls but she just answered them went back to her phone. I got fed up and left the room to get a basket from the kitchen. I walked back in to the dining room, ignoring Ryder's questioning gaze and walked around the room telling everyone to put their devices into the basket.

"You can talk to each other or you can sit in silence. But from now on please no more devices at the dining table.", I ignored the protests as best I could. I felt I did nothing wrong.

" Silence, your Luna has told you to do something, and as your Alpha I will backup her request, you can all talk or sit here in silence.", Ryder growled to the pack. He put his arm around me and glared at the people who looked at me.

I patted his arm and carried on feeding Dylan. Thank you, I sent through our mind link. It still felt weird to hear someone else's thoughts. No problem love, Ryder sent back with a smile.

After dinner I told everyone they had to help clean up before they could get their devices back. I got groans again but I ignored them and started piling dirty dishes up on the table. Everything was soon tidied up and Ryder was handing out phones and tablets.

"Let's go for a walk. My mum has Dylan and Seth and your other brothers are hanging with some guys.", I thought it over for a second then agreed. I changed my shoes into some trainers then put on my coat in case it rained.

It was weird how comfortable I felt living in the pack house with everyone around. I loved it, but a small part of me whished I had more privacy, maybe if me and Ryder got serious then we could live somewhere else. But I knew that wasn't possible he was the Alpha of the and he had to stay close to his pack.


I could hear all the thoughts swirling around in Skies mind. But what she didn't know was that I agreed with her, about getting our own place. That was where I was taking her now, two years ago I was so excited by the thought of meeting my Mate that I had my dad help me build a house, one that I wanted to share with my Mate whenever I found her. It was close to the pack house so if there was an emergency I was close enough to help out.

I led Skie onto a worn path leading through the trees that I had cleared to get to the house. I stopped Skie just a few feet away from the barely visible house and pulled a scarf from my pocket. " Put this on.", I could tell she was about to protest but she could probably hear the excitement in my voice, so complying she took the scarf out of my hands and tied it around her eyes.

I took her hand and led her through the last part of the path. I looked up as the tree coverage broke and was proud of the way the house turned out. The front was just a plain beige colour with a wraparound porch and steps leading up to the wooden front door.

I gently took the blindfold away from her and watched as she looked around before her eyes settled on the house in front of her.

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