Chapter Twenty

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I woke up to a sleeping Skie draped over me. It wouldn't have been funny if Skie was lying normally, but her legs were off the side of the bed and her head was on my stomach facing me.

I put my hand on her back and slowly rubbed her spine. Skie shifted and moaned in her sleep. I smiled as I saw her dreams in my head. She was dreaming of her first training session with her father. It was the first time I had seen her father not in a picture. Even though it was a memory of when she was 10 it looked like she still remembered everything. From the looks of it her father was pushing her really hard, but every time she fell you could see him wince, although he his it well when she looked at him.

The dream slowly fizzled out and Skie woke up. "Morning.", Skie said groggily. I smiled at her and pulled her up so she was sitting in my lap.

"Uhh, let me sleep.", Skie complained rolling her head back. I chuckled and pulled her head up. She looked me in the eye before resting her head on my shoulder and kissing my neck.

I sighed and just enjoyed her kisses. " Come on we have to get up, we're starting training today, I thought it would be a good idea if you took part.", Skie suddenly shot up and I saw the spark of excitement in her eyes.

"Really? I get to train with you guys?", I nodded and Skie squealed before jumping up and running to the closet. I watched as she pulled out a T-shirt and pair of shorts and stripped in front of me. I gawped as she changed her underwear as well before putting her clothes on. I know we'd had a few intimate moments bit she was always shy of being naked in front of me.

"Come on, don't just lie there.", Skie ran over to me and tried to pull me out of bed, I was so shocked about her excitement that she managed to pull me and make me fall face first onto the floor.

I groaned in slight pain as my nose throbbed. "Get up you baby.", Skie said giving me a soft kick to the side. I groaned and slowly got up.

I messed with Skie a little bit as I took a long shower then took my time getting dressed. But we finally made it to the training field where everyone was waiting, even Sarah. Ugh now I have to deal with her if she breaks a nail or hurts herself.

"Everyone start with warming up.", Skie grinned at me quickly as we made eye contact, but then I could feel her block everything out as she began to stretch.

I walked around checking everyone, and when I got to Sarah I found her doing half-assed stretches. I growled at her lowly and watched as she jumped the began doing them properly. My wolf and I were taking no slackers. It was disrespectful to us and showed a weak pack.

I called one of the fighters over to make sure Sarah did thongs properly. It's not only the fact that she is showing a weak pack, but it shows her wolf is weak.

I looked over to Skie again and saw her doing her best, which was better than most of the other pack members. I called everyone to a stop, "I want everyone doing twenty pushups now.", I said in a no-nonsense voice.

I expected Skie to not be able to do many, but she was the first one to finish and she didn't even look winded! "Alpha! She didn't even do them all, I bet she couldn't even do one.", Sarah shouted pointing a finger at MY MATE.

I was about to defend her when Skie walked up to Sarah and said she could do more pushups than her. I didn't think Skie could do anymore after those twenty but I stood back and let her get on with it. She is their Luna after all, she needs to show how tough she can be.

We had all been watching Sarah and Skie in awe for the past ten minutes. Sarah looked like she was going to collapse but Skie didn't look fazed. I'd lost count of how many they had done, but I'm pretty sure Skie was winning.

Three minutes later Sarah fell on the ground in a sweaty mess, Skie did one more then jumped up. I expected her to walk away but she bent down and helped Sarah up. I walked over to them and lifted Skie up before pressing a kiss to her lips. Well done babe, I mind linked her, she grinned and jumped down.

"Right, that's enough slacking from the rest of you, ten laps around the track, NOW!", I shouted, they all jumped a bit but them got to the track and started running. I looked around and saw Skie running with them, exasperated I ran after her and told her she could sit out.

Being the stubborn person she is she refused and decided to challenge me on who could do the most laps.


I probably shouldn't have challenged the 'Big bad Alpha' but I couldn't help it, I wasn't as weak as everyone thought and I could keep up with most of them.

Everyone gradually dropped out, heaving for air. Ryder and I carried on and I could feel the burning start in my legs. My breathing was better than Ryder's though, as his face was red and he was sweating a lot.

We must have done at least twenty laps, and during the twenty third was when Ryder stopped, I carried on for one more then had to stop and try to breath.

"I can't believe you beat me, how the heck did your dad train you? Did he feed you something.....are you on drugs??", Ryder asked suspiciously.

I laughed with what little breath I had, "No, he just made me train everyday for two hours.", a few of the pack members were still staring at me gobs smacked

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