Chapter Twenty Five

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I was kind of glad Skie never blocked her thoughts from me as it provided me with a twenty four hour running commentary. I felt a bit mean because I know she didn't want to go dress shopping so soon, but I also felt happy that she was.

I was sitting in my office going through neglected piles of paperwork. It was boring and hard to concentrate on, especially when my wolf kept throwing images of Skie around in my head.

I managed to finish one of the piles then started on the second lot. ugh so bored, so so bored. I decided to tap into Skie's mind to see what she was doing. I wasn't disappointed as she was muttering in her head and thinking sarcastic retorts towards my mother and the shop assistant. Maybe I shouldn't be laughing but it was funny.

I finished off the last pile of paperwork and stood up to stretch. I was walking to the kitchen to get something to eat when I heard the door slam open and someone shouting for everyone to move out of the way. I ran into the living room and saw Skie dive bomb the couch.

Skie grabbed the remote and started to rush through the channels till she came to a certain one. "Yes I haven't missed it.", Skie cried in joy. I looked at the tv confused and saw a football game playing.

"Where is she?", my mother asked walking into the house with over twenty shopping bags. I ran to help her and put them down behind the couch. I pointed to Skie and gave my mother a confused look.

"That Mate of yours left the car parked by the gates and ran to the house screaming something about missing a game.", I could tell my mother was more amused than angry.

"Skie? What are you watching?", I asked as I sat down next to her.

"Rugby.", Skie answered distractedly. I was about to ask her what Rugby was when she started shouting at the screen. I jumped back in surprise and just watched her.

"She watching rugby?", Aaron laughed as he walked in. I nodded still slightly dazed as Skie continued to shout.

"She never has an interest until the actual game is one. then she goes all hulk.", a few of the pack members where looking at Skie with caution, while she seemed completely oblivious to everything around her.

"Skie can yo.....", I was stopped from speaking as Skie patted me on the arm with her eyes still on the screen and said she would love something to eat. I rolled my eyes but went to get some food anyway.

The next couple of days I was trying to think of something to get Skie for her birthday. it was surprisingly hard, especially when she never looked at anything like she wanted it. she always seemed to have everything she needed. I mean she only went shopping when she needed to get food or some clothes for me and her.

I'd even asked her brothers for birthday ideas. they had no clue, Aaron was just getting a new camera for her from Seth and Dylan. The others were getting her books or DVDs. the pack was throwing a party, everyone had thought of something, even jake had done something. he was making her a card and getting her a teddy.

The days before her birthday I was watching her so much that even she noticed. she kept asking what was wrong and I kept giving the excuse that I just liked watching her, safe to say that crewed her out a little bit.

I finally caught her, I finally saw her looking at something on my laptop with a wistful expression. when Skie left I jumped into the seat and looked on the history. I clicked on the latest page and waited. soon enough a picture of two huskies for sale came up.

I sent a text to Aaron and asked if she would like them. He replied, "If you get her those she will seriously love you man.", a few minutes after checking everything over I had made up my mind.


Ryder had been acting really weird lately, he kept saying he just wanted to look at me but I put it down to him being overprotected due to the rogue attacks.

I was in the shower relaxing when I heard banging and a curse come from the next room. I jumped out the shower and ran to the room. Ryder was looking through some draws and had managed to knock some books down.

I'm naked, I thought. I tried to creep back into the bathroom but Ryde emits have heard me. his head snapped up and his eyes turned black. While he seemed frozen in place I turned around and quickly ran back into the bathroom, I wrapped a towel around myself and started to put some clean pyjamas on.

"What are you looking for?", I asked as I sat down on our bed.

"I misplaced a number, and I need to call them today.", I offered to help but he told me he probably left it downstairs or something. I nodded and sat back against the headboard to read my book.

I'm pretty sure we have homework to complete before school tomorrow, oh well. I got so engrossed in my book that I didn't hear the conversation outside the bedrooms door.

I woke up confused, I didn't remember falling asleep, and I also didn't remember Ryder coming to bed and hulk gripping me to his chest.

I tried to move without waking Ryder up. I quietly walked into the bathroom and used the toilet. I was pulling my pyjamas back up when Ryder walked in. he just grinned and leaned on the doorframe.

Ryder came closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and bent down to kiss my lips softly. "Happy birthday sweetheart.", I scrunched my face up in confusion before it finally dawned on me.

"I totally forgot it was my birthday!", I complained in exasperation. how could I forget my nineteenth birthday.

"Lucky for you no one else forgot.", Ryder said laughing at me. he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his hips, "I love you Skie.", I smiled down at him and kissed him gently.

"I love you to.", I whispered against his lips. I'm ashamed to say the kiss turned into a full blown make out session.

I think we were in the bathroom making out for about ten minutes. I jumped down and put the shower on. "I'll be quick, we don't have long before school.", I told Ryder as I quickly shed my clothes. it didn't feel weird undressing I front of him, but it did feel weird that I was so comfortable with it.

I was only ten minutes in the shower, which was a new personal record. I dressed quickly in a pair of dark jeans and a light blue jumper with ankle boots, I put on my leather jacket with a black hat and scarf as it was still pouring and getting chilly.

We were in the car driving with the boys in the back, "I won't be in school today, I have some pack stuff to attend to. I also have a tun of paperwork to still catch up on.", I nodded feeling a bit upset that he didn't tell me sooner.

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