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Instead, Haman looked for a way to destroy all Mordecai's people, the Jews, throughout the whole kingdom

★ ★ ★

The sun had just set over the Middle Eastern desert, leaving behind a dark, dusty sky studded with tiny, bright stars. It was a gorgeous and majestic backdrop to the family evening Queen Nura was having with her new wife, Hadassah Sarfati, her guardian, Mordecai Sarfati and her mentor and best friend, Memukan Pariah.

They'd had dinner around the table, platters upon platters of specially cooked meats and delicacies washed down with sweet wine. Hadassah had made a point of teasing her wife of her sinfulness and Nura could only roll her eyes at her but was unsuccessful in hiding the smile on her face. She was endeared to her young wife in every sense of the word possible.

Six months had passed since their royal and spectacular wedding and they were still very much in their honeymoon phase - in fact, it seemed as though things grew sweeter with each passing day. Nura found new things about her wife that she loved, little quirks and mannerisms that were otherwise insignificant to anyone else.

She looked forward to evenings like this, where she could spend time with the people who were most closest to her. It kept her grounded amidst the chaos of trying to move an entire nation forward.

The twins had just finished their custard doughnuts when their nanny came into the dining dining hall to take them to bed.

"Okay Munchkins, it's time for bed," Nura said.

Malak turned in her seat and frowned at her nanny. She wasn't quite keen to go to bed just yet. She turned her attention back to her mother and gave her best pout, complete with her black gumdrop eyes widening to the size of saucers.

"A few more minutes, Mommy please?"

"Na-uh young lady, you don't throw those puppy dog eyes at me and think it's going to work," Nura said.

"Mommy we don't want to go to bed just yet," Wassim said, also turning on his charm as well.

Hadassah leaned to her side and whispered, "you're a damn liar if you say that this isn't getting to you. I mean, look at them, they look like little lost puppies."

Nura grit her teeth, "I will not crack under the pressure, no matter how cute these little demons are," she said and straightened her back.

"Off to bed kids."

Both Malak and Wassim frowned when they realised their tactic didn't work. Malak was the first to stand up, adorned in a modest brown robe.

She turned on her little heels and was about to march out of the hall with her brother and nanny in tow when "aw come on, you think you can go to bed without giving your mommies a good night kiss?" Nura said.

Malak squared her shoulders, resolute in her defiance but it only lasted a few seconds when she saw her brother walk over to Nura and Hadassah. He hugged Hadassah first and she placed a kiss on his tender temples. Malak's shoulders seemed to deflate and she walked back to her mother.

Nura kissed her cheek before she enveloped her into a tight hug, "I knew you couldn't stay mad at me forever. I love you little one."

"I love you too, Mommy," she replied with a small smile.

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