Part two

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Lance's POV
As I sit in my room thinking what to do and how I'm going to keep my power under control... I lean back on the chilled surface of the wall and think. I walk to my bathroom and fill the tub with water, I start to play with it for a bit by making small little waves until I hear a knock on the door. I get up drain the water and walk over to my door. I open the door a see Keith. "What is it, Keith?" I say "nothing I just wanted to come get you because we're here." Keith says as he look towards the ground. " o-ok than-thank you I'll be right there." I say nervously. He looks at me and goes back to the control room. I have know clue what I'm going to do
I start to stress and the water in my sink goes a little crazy. I sighed a walked over to the sink and drain the water that now calm. "Lance! come on down here!" Shiro voice comes though the halls of the castle. I sigh once more and walk down to the control room. Everyone is dressed and ready for the beach that's just to the right side of the castle. "Maybe you should go get dressed and then will go down" Shiro says. I nod and go to my room and put on my blue swim shorts and walk down to the beach with everyone. I decided to take my mine of the ocean and do my usual stuff like flirt with girls.
I'm talking  to this girl as Shiro comes over and drags me back with the group which is right by the sea. "You know Lance I really wish you behave." Shiro said "Yeah and act you age not like you 2" Keith said I start to get mad and the water get a little ruff  "you should act your age like everyone else here" Shiro says. Once he finshed that sentence I lost it..
Sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger there but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter too >•<
And like the last chapter here is a picture to look at

 Sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger there but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter too >•< And like the last chapter here is a picture to look at

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Lance the child of the ocean Where stories live. Discover now