Lance's POV Previously... "You know Lance I really wish you behave." Shiro said "Yeah and act you age not like you 2" Keith said I start to get mad and the water get a little ruff "you should act your age like everyone else here" Shiro says. Once he finshed that sentence I lost it.. ———————————————————— I've completely lost I at this point the water is getting crazy about now and there are dark clouds all my doing. "I think we should go inside it looks like it's going to storm" Shiro says. Everyone started walking but stoped because I wasn't walking. "Lance you ok man?"Keith said. "ACT MY AGE" WHAT THEQUIZNAK IS THAT ""ACT MY AGE"" WHAT DO YOU CARE HOW OLD I AM THE OCEAN IS OLD AS HECK" My eyes are glowing right know and the water is so crazy that it's like a hurricane out here " IT CAN STILL DROWN YOU WITH VIGOR" It so bad at this point that it's raining everyone is shocked I start to calm down and does the water. Once the water is all clam down Shrio walks over to me " Lance what I-uh I'm sorry but how do you do that?" I don't speak but instead I run to the Castleand lock my self in my room. Knock knock " who is it?" I say "It's Keith can I - can I come in?"
Keith's POV I wanted to see if Lance was ok so I went down to his room and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Lance says he sounds like he crying "Its Keith can I - can I come in?" I ask " sure" I hear him say in a low voice. I hear movement inside the room as he unlocks the door. Once's it's open I walk inside and close the door and see him on his bed with his knees to his chest and head on his knees. "Lance...." I say sadly I walk over to him and sit on the bed. I place my hand on his shoulder. " You okay?" I say " No I'm not everyone probably thinks I'm a freak just because I lashed out, out there" Lance says trying not to cry again. "Lance I don't think your a freak just because you made the ocean crazy.." I say as I lean back on the chilled surface of the wall. "I control the ocean" he say in a low tone. " See that's amazing you can control the ocean " I smile. Lance moves over and wraps his arms around me into a warm embrace. "You don't think I'm a freak??" He says into my shirt "No why would I think that?" I say " Because my mom thought I was-" he says crying. I hug him tighter then ever. "You don't have to worry and more Your here with us" I say. He lifts his head up and smiles but a sad smile "Thank you" he says as he sniffs a little. I wipe the tears from his eyes and kiss his forehead. I yawn and so does he "You know you could use your power when fighting" I say tiredly "Yeah" He sits up and pulls me down onto the bed and hugs me and drifts off to sleep and soon I do to.
I hoped you guys in enjoyed this chapter a new one is coming soon and what would you guys like to see in the next chapter?? But until then here's a picture to look at :]
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