Lance the child of the ocean... _____________________________________ 💙 Me and Keith walked to the bedroom we shared. It was getting late and decided to go to bed early since we were exhausted after the day we just had. Once we got the my room, we shared me room. I went to the bathroom to do my normal skin routine, Keith walk straight to the bed and flopped right down on it. After about a good thirty minutes of my doing my routine, I decided to ask Keith if I could do my skin routine on him. I walk out of the bathroom and to the bed. "Hey Keith, can I do my skin routine on you?" I asked. He looked up to me. "Uh sure.. why not I've got nothing better to do." He said. I get off the bed and go grab my stuff, I bring it to the bed and start by putting Keith hair up in a ponytail. I turn him around to face me. I turn to the bowling water that's sitting just to the side of me. I damp a small red Cloth that I have. I I bring it to his face and rub it under his purple eyes and then up to this forehead and do the rest of his face. Once I'm done with that I grab the little pink bottle of cream and start to put it on his face. He shivers from his cold it is. " Lance no I'm going to look like a panda." Keith say puffing his cheeks out a bit. "Yeah will I look like a panda to right now. And you going to be me little cute panda." I smile at him and he smiles back and closes his eye once again. Once I'm done with the cream I get the spray bottle of a mixture of water and powder. "Ok hold your breath." I tell him and he does, I spray the water powder mixture on his face and he lets his breath go. "Ok go ahead and open you eye we're done for the most part until we need to take the cream off. We past the next hour with playing with each other's hair. I French-braid Keith's hair. "How did you do that with my short as heck hair." Keith said amazed. "I used to do my little sisters hair like that and she had short hair then you." I laugh and he does to. The timer goes off and I take a little orange cloth and wipe Keith's face with it and mine too. He feels his face and is amazed at how soft it is. I laugh and get of the bed and put the stuff away and come back and sit on bed next Keith. "Come on think it time for us to go to bed." I yawn and so dose he. He get in to bed and covers up with the blanket I hop into bed next to him do the same. " good night Keith." I say "good night lance." He says and snuggles up to me i wrap my arms around him and we both fall asleep.
Word count: 530 I hope you enjoyed this chapter And here's a picture for you all Bye bye.
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