Chapter 10

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Lance's POV

Once we got back on to the Castle, me and
Keith made our way to my room. He briefly peck my lips "ok I'm hungry" Keith sighed
I giggled "Hey hungry~" I started.

"Lance I swear don't you dare-"

"I'm dad!" I broke out into a fit of giggles
He just sighed and had a small smile plastered on his face.  "I like your laugh" he stated getting up and walking into the bathroom. "I like your smile" I shouted as he came back out.

"I'm gonna sing" I smirked confidently

"God no lance pleas-"

"Ahem, CARRY ON MY WAYFHGF-" Keith put his hand of my mouth I pouted but licked his hand "EW lance! That was super gross,"

"Let me sing! " I pouted lightly, he ponder but sighed loudly sitting on the dark blue fluffy blanket.

"AHEM AHEM, Michael in the bathroom by himself, all by himself~ all by himself, and all you know about is my name awesome party I'm so glad I came!"

"Boi how did you- how are you so good-" he was interrupt by the intercom "Paladins of Voltron it is time for-"

190 word its 11:28 P.M. a and I'm tired, hoped you enjoyed the fluff
Sorry it's short

Lance the child of the ocean Where stories live. Discover now