Part four

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Keith's POV
I wake up to Lance sleeping with his head on my chest. I was going to go back to sleep until Allura's voice boomed through out the castle. "paladins everyone in the main control room!" Allura says. Lance jumps and falls face first on the floor and I let out a little giggle. "You ok?" I say "yeah" Lance says "come on we better get going before the princess gets mad at us." I say as I head to then door, I stop and look back at Lance who is sitting on the floor. "Come on Lance." I say "No" he says "why not?" I say as I go sit by him. "What if- what if they don't like me?" He says " Lancey I'm sure they will still like you now come on." I stand up and grab his hand and interwind our fingers and head out to the main control room. By this point I'm sure we're like 5 minutes late but I don't care as long Lance is happy I don't care. We walk into the the control room and get a death glare by Allura and Pidge smirks at us.  Lance looks to the ground and I squeeze his hand to clam him down."So what do you want?" I said kind of angrily. Yeah I'm still mad at Shrio for getting on Lance's nerves. "Well we wanted to know how lance did that with the water back there." Hunk says " So you are going to make him speak about something he doesn't want to talk about? What great friends you guys are." I say " It's ok Keith." Lance says "ok if you want." I say he pulls me down and sit down nexts to me with his arm around me. "Ok, so how long have you been able to control the water?" Shiro says " My whole life" Lance says " what did your mother think about it?" Allura says. He finches and start to shake I move around and have him siting in between my legs and hug him. " She thought I was a freak." He says sounding like he was about to cry I look down at him and start to rock him back a fourth slowly. " I don't want to answer anymore" He says to me "He doesn't want to answer anymore" I say to the team the all nod. "Come on lance let's go get you something to eat and then maybe we can to the beach just the two of us ok?" I said into ear. He nods and gets up and I follow him. After we get something to eat we head to the beach. " hey lance look!" I say he turns around and sees the ball in my hand. "Wanna play?" I ask him " yeah!" He says happily, I smile and throw the ball to him he hits it back and I hit back to him again. We keep playing like this for a hour or so and we head back in to meet up with the rest of the team. We go get dress and head to the control room were everyone is sitting  down. " Hi guys you just in Time I'm about to explain a new planet we're going to go visit." Allura says happily. "Sounds like fun!" Lance's says "what's the planets name?" I say "Aejeong" Allura says and smiles. I blush because I'm Korean and I know what that means.
Sorry I didn't update yesterday I was busy
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and here's challenge for you guys. What dose "Aejeong" mean good luck you can use the web if you want. Anyway here's a picture well more like comic for you

 Anyway here's a picture well more like comic for you

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