Chapter Four - Hold On To Hope If You Got It

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Song of the chapter: 26 - Paramore

After a while of the two of them sitting in silence, Awsten broke it by saying "I was wondering if you wanted to stay tonight, we could all have a movie night or whatever, that way we could all spend some more time together before we have to go."

" maybe," Aurora stuttered. She didn't want to end up having a nightmare around her friends, she didn't want anyone to know. Geoff already knew, and that's enough, enough, enough. "I... um going to see Geoff" she spluttered before she shot up and climbed back in the window, leaving Awsten confused and concerned.

Ari made her way downstairs, wanting to be with Geoff. He knew how to calm her down and she didn't want to have another panic attack today. As she walked downstairs, she trailed her hand along the wall to remind her that she was there and not floating away. Grounding herself to the present. She made her way to the living room door to see her other three friends. Otto and Jawn were absentmindedly watching whatever show was on the TV and Geoff was slouched down by the armchair she had previously been sitting in. It was like he hadn't moved since she walked out of the room. None of them noticed her right away, so she quietly knocked on the open door and Geoff's head shot up.

"I'm not mad, I'm sorry I walked out, but... um... can I talk to you?" she asked while wringing her hands together. By now the other two had noticed she was there, but she only looked at Geoff.

"Yeah of course," he said as he jumped up and followed her out of the room. She kept walking until they were in the kitchen. "I'm sorry I never mentioned anything, I know I should have but then everything happened, and I didn't want to make it worse and I didn't want to leave you, and by telling you we were going it made it seem so much more real and I didn't want it to seem real, I'm sorry." Geoff rambled, wanting to hug his best friend but not wanting to push her over the edge.

"It's okay Geoff, I get it, but um, Awsten suggested a movie night for everyone and then I freaked out and kinda ran away from him," she admitted a blush covering her pale checks in their rosy colour.

"Oh, Ari." He smiled softly at his best friend. He hated that the slightest thing could set her off. "Are you worried you'd have a nightmare?" He watched her nod and bite her lip. "They won't judge you if you do have one, and I'll be here for you. I always hate that I have to be there over the phone, and this would allow me to be there in person if you did need me." He said in an attempt to comfort her.

"I don't know if I would be able to sleep with other people around either..." she admitted her soft voice cracking.

"Oh, Ari... no one here is going to hurt you, they wouldn't dream of it, and I will be here to protect you, you know I won't let anything happen." Geoff comforted her, his heart smashed into a million pieces as he saw the tears that were welling up in her eyes break free and slip down her face. Ari did something he didn't expect, she fell into him and held on tightly as more tears slipped past her eyes. After a few seconds of shock, Geoff wrapped his arms around his broken best friend as she cried into his shoulder. He held her like he was trying to stop any more parts of her from falling apart, hoping he could help hold her together.

They stood like that for a while, even after Ari had stopped crying. It felt nice to feel safe, to feel warm and loved. Geoff was like the best friend/big brother she could ever ask for. "Thank you for holding me, I wanna stay tonight." She told him as she pulled away from the hug and wrapped her arms around herself instead.

"Are you sure?" he asked. Geoff didn't want Ari to feel uncomfortable staying and it ends up doing more harm than good.

"I'm sure," she said, a small smile dancing across her face.

So, a few hours later, they were all covered in blankets - Ari on the armchair with Jet curled back up on her lap, Geoff and Awsten on the sofa next to that, and Otto and Jawn on the other sofa watching the second film of the night. All of a sudden, Geoff felt his phone buzz.

He pulled his phone out and quickly saw that it was a message from Awsten. He turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow, confused why Awsten would have texted him. "Just read it," Awsten mouthed to him. So that's what he did.

'Do you think management would let us bring Aurora?'

Geoff paused to think. They did have an extra bunk on the bus, this could work out. But would Ari be up for it? Geoff knew she liked her time alone, and tour life doesn't always provide that. He knew Ari liked her own personal space and again, tour buses aren't the most spacious places on earth. But, it could do her wonders to get out of this town, get away from all the memories, surrounded by distractions and friends. It could be good for her - or it could be two months filled with extremely high levels of anxiety.

'I'll phone them.'

Geoff cleared his throat then announced, "I just remembered I told my mum that I'd phone her tonight, so I'm gonna go do that real quick," before throwing the blanket off him, standing up and leaving the room, sending Awsten a smile on the way out.

They better say yes, was all Awsten could think as Geoff left. He looked over at Aurora and his cat curled up on that armchair. He couldn't help but let his mind wander, being able to spend two months with her would be amazing, maybe he could finally make a move, although maybe he should talk to Geoff about that first. He knew when she needed space, or when she needed someone there, so maybe he would know if this was a good idea. Oh hell, it's probably not. She had never shown any sign to be interested in him.

By the time Geoff came back, Ari was asleep, curled up in the armchair. He didn't blame her, he had seen how exhausting her panic attacks could be and she had a full blown one this morning and almost another one earlier on. She looked so small curled up, but it also didn't look very comfortable.

"Hey Awsten, can I bring her up to your room to sleep?" Geoff asked as he entered the room and started walking over to the sleeping girl.

"Of course, man," Awsten replied. Geoff carefully picked up the sleeping cat and placed her next to Awsten instead before putting one arm under Ari's knees and the other supporting her back. Ari was small, always had been, so carrying her upstairs wasn't too difficult for Geoff, and luckily, she was too worn out to wake up. She stayed asleep as he gently placed her in Awsten's bed and pulled the blanket up, so it covered her. He sent a silent wish that she didn't have any nightmares before he turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind him, not wanting to disturb her.

Geoff made his way back down the stairs, walked into the living room and sat down before Awsten turned to him and asked "So? What did management say? Yes or no?"

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