Chapter Eight - Pack A Bag, Say Goodbye

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Song of the chapter: Young and Relentless


For the next two weeks, Ari did what she always did - she drew, she designed, and she created. She created clothes and drawings which she sold online. Ari knew she had only been able to keep this going and actually make it something which could support her because of her friends. Their support and help getting her work out to people had been amazing, and she knew she was so lucky to have them or else her dream probably would never have come true.

Over the fortnight, Ari had also been preparing to go on tour, packing up what she needed and trying to figure out how she could bring all the stuff she needed for creating designs on tour without getting in everyone's way. Tour buses didn't have a lot of extra room and Ari didn't want to take up any more room than absolutely necessary. After thinking it through, she decided while she was away she would focus on her drawings and creating new designs that she could create when they got home. She decided it could be beneficial to take a step back for a while, and come back invigorated and fresh with a bunch of new ideas.

The band had all been pretty busy over the two weeks, with band practices, meetings about the tour and just generally doing all the little bits and pieces they needed to have done before the tour. So Ari had spent the whole two weeks at home alone, which she didn't mind. She was going to be spending two months surrounded by people, so a couple of weeks alone was probably needed. The nightmares still continued though. She'd been trying to call Geoff less, she knew he was busy and didn't want to give him any more stress, especially with the tour coming up, but she had been managing. She had been throwing herself into her work as soon as she could every morning, only stopping for quick food breaks and showers. It might not be the healthiest way to cope but it was certainly better than a lot of the things that she wanted to do. Plus, it gave her the opportunity to try and stock her shop up with some clothing before she left.

It was the day before the tour, so Ari was running around her small apartment trying to make sure she had everything she would need. It was hard, she had never had to pack for two months before. Sure, she could buy stuff along the way, but she liked to be prepared.

As she was placing a pile of her art supplies into her suitcase, her doorbell rang. Knowing it would be Geoff, as he had told her that he would be coming over, she headed over to the door with a smile, letting him into her home.

"Hey Gee, I think I'm almost packed, how have you been?" she asked him.

"Good, good, excited to start tour" he answered. "How have you been?" He was worried about her, he hadn't heard from her much over the past two weeks. Every reply he got was spread out over a long period of time, which was unlike Ari because she usually texted back pretty fast. Calls not so much, they usually made her anxious.

"I've been alright, but busy. I've been trying to create a little bit of stock for before we left," she explained, gesturing over to the collapsible box where she had stored the items of clothing that she had made. She had spent the two weeks coming up with anything she could to try and minimise the amount of space she was taking up. She had to bring these clothes with her though, they were her source of income, and she couldn't leave them here or else they wouldn't get shipped.

"Ah that makes sense, I wish we had space for you to bring all your fabrics and stuff, but the bus isn't big enough, I'm sorry." He gave a small smile to his best friend, knowing that she would understand.

"No, honestly it's okay. I've brought all my sketch pads, so I can design new pieces and my actual art pad, so I can still create my drawings and sell those. Besides, it might be good to take a step back and come back fresh you know?" she explained as she walked into the kitchen "Do you want anything? I don't have much right now but I'm sure I could make you something."

"Nah, I'm all good, thanks." Geoff seemed a bit off, he seemed a bit quieter than usual and Ari was worried.

"Geoff, are you okay?" she asked as she watched him carefully.

He looked up at her, "Oh yeah, you know just a bit worried, or nervous I guess. I always am right before a tour starts." He smiled, trying to calm her worry.

"Yeah, I am too..." she admitted, her eyes drifting to the floor, not able to make eye contact.

"Ari, everything will be okay, I'll be there for you, and if at any point you decide tour just really isn't for you then that's okay, you can come home okay? Whatever is best for you," he attempted to soothe his best friend.

"Thank you, Gee." She gave him a small smile to show her appreciation. "I'm gonna go make sure I have everything one more time and then we can head to Awsten's if you want?" They were all going to crash at Awsten's tonight because it meant the tour bus could pick them up a little later, as they were all in the same place. And considering that the bus was picking them up from Awsten's at six in the morning, the extra time was needed.

"Sounds good." He smiled as she left the room. Geoff couldn't help but worry for Ari. She had thrown herself into her work the past two weeks, and he didn't think it was just so she could create a little stock of pieces before they left. He could see the bags under her eyes, she looked like she hadn't slept properly since they all stayed over at Awsten's a fortnight ago. He didn't want her to run herself into the ground, he just knew he was going to have to keep watching her when she was on tour, making sure that everything was okay. He hated feeling so helpless with his best friend, not sure how to make things any better for her. He hoped that being around himself, Otto, Awsten and Jawn would provide her with distractions without her working constantly and that being out of town and away from everything would help lessen some of the memories that this town held for her. He really just hoped that this tour would end up being good for her, but it could so easily be a whirlwind of emotions and anxiety, and he didn't want her to have to go through that.

"You ready to go?" He heard her voice call, waking him from his thoughts, so he looked up and saw Ari with her suitcase.

"Yup, I'll grab your designs," he said, going over to pick up the box. The two of them headed out the door, and Ari locked it for the last time for the next two months. "Let's get this show on the road"

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