Justin bieber - Tease

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Right now I'm tied to the headboard panting lightly after what just happen. Which I must says,was the best sex we're ever had.

Justin's in the about to come out of the shower. He didn't let me take on because we're not done yet.
When he came out you could see the water dripping from his chest down to his waist where he has a towel wrapped around. And I say he looks mighty good, like a whole snack.

"Umhf"... I try to get out of the soft blue rope to touch him and run my hands down his chest towards his bulge.
He laughs and walk close by me but not enough for me to reach.  What he say nexts makes me what to die of teasing.




"You deserve all of this sweet pea". He smirk at stands back up from his squatting position.
I close my legs tight to get some type of friction "daddy stooop". I start to whine and try to get out of the ropes. "I need you" I say as I pout looking into his eyes giving him my best puppy dog eyes.
He smirks the evil smirk and says "I know" and walks down stairs , leaving me still tried up.

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