Ch.3 - Wake Up, Liam

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  "Liam. Liam!" He heard his name being called, but he was lost in his head, trying to remove himself from his nightmare of Adam on Anna. "Liam, wake up, please." He heard her frantic cries for him and opened his eyes.

"What is it?" He asked, groggy.

She tackled him though they were sitting on the bed. "You were scaring me. You wouldn't wake up no matter what I did and you were making noises. Like you were scared something was happening." She cried into his chest.

"Did you have another nightmare while I was asleep?" He hugged her, kissing her head. "I'm sorry. Usually I'm easier to wake up than this."

She nodded. "I didn't have more nightmares. I was just worried about you. It's so not like you to be a hard sleeper. Usually if I move to get up you're waking up to make sure I'm not going anywhere. I still remember that first night we slept together here. After everything happened."

He smiled softly, looking up at her, "Please, remind me".

She squeezed him, "I had woke up from a nightmare and wanted to go to the bathroom to splash some water on my face to help calm me down. To pull me out of that nightmare as far as I could be pulled. Before my feet even hit the floor you were half awake and you'd grabbed my hand because you were afraid that someone was taking me away from you". She smiled, taking in a deep breath of his scent.

"I'm always worried that someone will try to take you away from me. That's why whenever we're in a crowd I pull you closer to me. If we're holding hands I'll move so my arm is around you to make sure if anyone tries to take you that they'll not have an easy time of it."

"No one could take me away from you, Liam. He tried, and he failed. Even with drugs, he couldn't make me go back to him. He could never take me away from you and I'm fairly certain he was the only one who ever wanted to really try to take me from you."

Liam pulled her closer to him. "Says you. You know the looks I get because I've got you and other guys can't have you?" He teased.

"You want to know the looks I get because other women see me with you and realize they can't have you?"

They both laughed, easing back into a gentle sleep. Neither of them knew what the next day would bring.

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