2 - kiss marry kill

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"i'm choosing people for kenzie!" bryce announces. we were playing a game of kiss, marry, kill and i knew exactly what he was going to do. bryce was the biggest jenzie shipper in my friend group and when he saw an opportunity to "expose" us, he took it.

bryce pretended like he had to think about the three boys i had to choose from and he finally said to no suprise, "johnny orlando, brandon rowland and jacob sartorious."

i take an awkward pause before giving my answer, "i'd kill jacob because i don't really know him. oh my god this is going to be on musershaderoom. hi musershaderoom!" i give the tea account a sarcastic wave.

we had to get out of the car as we had arrived at the restaurant, but bryce and the others were still waiting on my answer. i acted like i didn't know who to choose when in reality i knew exactly who i would choose. in fact, if i could have the same person to kiss and marry me i would choose johnny in a heartbeat, but those aren't the rules. 

bryce was updating the thousands of viewers on his livestream, which all happened to be jenzie shippers, "kay, kenzie's thinking about her decision right now so it'll be continued."

after some more silence i was finally ready to give my choices. "kill jacob because he's my friend, that's weird, they're all my friends but um this is going to be awkward."

i kept digging my self deeper and deeper
into a hole.

i started again, "i'll kiss brandon and," this time mumbling i answered, "marry johnny."

i immediately moved away from the screen in attempt to hide my smile and blush, but bryce loudly announced for everyone on the live, "marry johnny, kiss brandon! okay, okay!"

in the background you could hear me yell stop but bryce kept it go going. he eventually ended the live when we had to order our food.


after we received our meals i sat down and glared at bryce. him and nia were having a little argument over whether or not lettuce belongs on burgers, only noticing me when i let out a heavy sign.

"oooh mrs, orlando is looking an - ga- ry!" bryce laughed and nia turned away to cover her smile.

my face flushed and i couldn't find the right words, "i... i can't believe... ugh!" i threw my fry at him. i wish i hadn't though, it was a perfectly good fry.

"hey, you didn't have to answer," he defends while eating MY fry. i give him a glare.

nia interrupts, "kenzie, i bet there's a certain someone who's pretty happy right now. you should call him and see what he has to say." nia was the kind of person who could always calm you down or take your mind off something and it was working. "i know you are waiting for john to make a move, but i think what you just counts as the first move. now go call the boy!"

she was right, she always was. i grabbed my phone and a few fries and went somewhere private. i dialled his number and nervously waited for him to pick up. to my suprise it was lauren.

"lolo?" i asked, "where's john?"

i could tell she was dying of laughter because all i could hear on the other line was high pitched wheezing. when she gained some control she managed to say, "oh my god kenz you should see him right now! he's literally jumping for joy on his bed! oh god he just fell off, i can't breathe!" and just like that she was laughing again.

"john! your wife is on the phone! do you think you can take a break from jumping on the bed and come to talk to her?"

i could only imagine what this whole scene would've looked like. johnny's dance moves weren't the best and he was very, very clumsy. i would pay to have a video of it, which i'm sure lauren does. 

i'm taken out of my thoughts when i hear johnny's voice, "hey kenz!"


"pretty interesting live huh? i personally enjoyed it, what about you?" he was trying to get me to blush and it was working. thank god he couldn't see me right now.

"about that, i don't want this to make things awkward between us. i don't want you to feel like you're pressured to do..." i was interrupted by him, this time in a more serious tone.

"kenz, you have no idea how happy i am right now. i've been such an idiot to just wait around for something to happen. i've wanted to tell you this for so long, but i was scared you wouldn't feel the same way. i'm going to tell you now because i think we're on the same page, so here goes nothing."

my heart was beating out of my chest and my smile was the widest it's ever been. he started again and i hung on to every word.

"kenz, i like you so much. more than anyone i've ever liked before and it scares me. i never thought i would feel this way about anyone, but then you waltzed your way into my heart."

i was speechless and i could sense his anticipation through the phone. "johnny i like you too, you know that right?" he let out a breath.

"kenz, to be honest, i kind of lied before." my heart dropped and my smile turned into a frown in a matter of seconds. was this all some sick joke?

"i told you i liked you when i really another word that starts with l you. i just don't want the first time you hear it to be over the phone." my smile came back and tears were now in the corners of my eyes. "i want to be able to see your beautiful face when you hear it and i want to be able to hold you and not let go."

the tears fell and they wouldn't stop.

"i'm coming to canada." was all i could say without turning into a sobbing mess. let's just say i'm a hopeless romantic and this was a dream come true. "i have to see you."

"right now? will you're mom let you fly alone?"

"she has to, because if not i'm going to walk all the way over there."

johnny happily responded, "kenz, i another word that's start with l you."

"i another word that starts l you more."

"not possible. now go phone your mom so you can get your butt over here!"

i laughed, "you dork, i'm going right now! see you soon." and with that i hung up the phone. this was the happiest i have ever been and it was all thanks to one canadian boy. i put in my mom's phone number and she picked up right away. 

"mom, i'm going to canada."


so here's another chapter, FINALLY! i took a long break because i couldn't think of anything, but this video came on my feed and i knew i had to write about it! i'm pretty proud of this and i hope you enjoy it! leave a vote and a comment, it really helps!

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