Chapter 4

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After dinner, Quinn covered Beth in a blanket and hoped she would fall asleep quickly. She'd already had to run out to the car to get Beths blankie and the last thing she wanted was to wake up Rachel or Kurt.
    Quinn let Beth fall asleep and she stayed up and made sure nothing would wake Beth. At some point though, Quinn must've fallen asleep, because the next morning she was taking up the entire couch and covered in the white blanket she'd given Beth.
    If she'd been staying with anyone other then Rachel she would of been running around frantically and panicking because Beth was gone. But instead Quinn lazily stood up and wandered into Rachel's room where she found her Rachel and Beth sleeping in the same bed. As quietly as she could, Quinn attempted to pick up her daughter, who mindlessly punched her in the face. The punch managed to wake Beth up though, she smiled up at her mom and had a sleepy daze covering her.
    "Good morning," She said.
    "Shh we have to be quiet, Rachel's sleeping," Quinn whispered.
    "What? Huh, no Rachel's-- I mean I'm awake," Rachel mumbled and sat up and rubbed her eyes.
    "Good morning Rachel," Beth said cheerily.
    "Beth lets go, we don't want to bother Rachel this early in the morning," Quinn said.
    "No, stay," Rachel gestured for Quinn to sit down on the bed.
    "How come Beth was sleeping here?" Quinn asked.
    "She woke up last night and couldn't find the bathroom so I helped her find her way around, then she asked if she could stay with me because the living room was to dark so I let her, because who could say no to that face?" Rachel grinned at Beth, who was staring out the window obliviously.
    Quinn looked from Beth to Rachel then for a split second imagined what it would be like if this was her life. Waking up to them in the mornings and making breakfast together. But she shut down the thought immediately. Just because Quinn and Rachel had been friends a few years ago and now Rachel and Beth had formed some sort of bond over night, didn't mean that she could go back to being friends with her. Sure Rachel wouldn't destroy the new life she'd been creating, but if she let Rachel in then Kurt would follow. And so would Santana and Brittany, then in a few years maybe she'd even see the people that she was desperately trying to forget, Finn and Puck. So even though Rachel wasn't the problem (even though Quinn had always been envious of everything she had) she was connected to it. If she let Rachel in, everyone would come back.
    "Quinn, you're doing it again," Rachel thought out loud.
    "Doing what?" She asked.
    "In high school whenever we would get close to becoming real friends you used to always start to close yourself off, you're doing it now I can tell," Rachel said.
    "I'm not doing anything," Quinn replied, suddenly very defensive.
"Yes you are. You did it yesterday to, and when we graduated. You did it all throughout high school. You never lead us on so we think we can become friends with you then stop us when we get to close," Rachel continued.
"Yeah well maybe being friends with you isn't a good thing for me," Quinn said stiffly. "Come on Beth, it's time for us to go."
Quinn stood up, grabbed Beth's hand and pulled her out of Rachel's room despite the little girls protests. She walked Beth out of the apartment and ignored the tantrum that she was throwing. And when she tried to buckle Beth into her carseat, Beth kicked and screamed because she wanted to stay with Rachel. Quinn was silent except for a few mumbles.
Quinn dropped of Beth at a daycare center then went to the hospital for her first day on her internship.

AN: I apologize for the short chapter, it's just filler for what's yet to come. And i know not many people have read this, but to those of you who have I'm so thankful as I've never written a story like this before so thank you for giving it a chance

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