Chapter 20

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Rachel had arranged to stay in New Haven for another month due to the operation she was going to undergo. Today was the day before. The day before Rachel and Beth's lives would change, possibly forever. Beth had gotten her first dose of anti rejection medicine so that her body wouldn't attack her new kidney. After that, Quinn gave her a bath with special soap given from the doctor. Rachel had been instructed to go on a liquid diet until the next morning, when the procedure would occur. She was also instructed to take a laxative.
The next morning Beth sat on Quinns knee and anxiously ran her hands through her mom's hair. Beth wore a shower cap provided by the hospital and blue scrubs that would be thrown out after surgery.
"Are you nervous?" Quinn bounced her knee lightly.
Beth nodded with a frown.
Quinn sighed."Yes, but you don't have to worry, do you know why?"
Beth shook her head again.
"Because you won't feel anything. Do you remember how we talked about the bad cells that were making you sick? Well now they're gonna be taken out, and you're going to get a new, healthy kidney," Quinn explained.
Beth eyes were wide as she continued to run her hands through Quinn's hair.
"And when you wake up, you're gonna get to be with me with me and grandma, and Aunty Tana, Kurt and Blaine are here too. They came from New York, just to see you," Quinn said and smiled. Maybe if Beth thought Quinn wasn't scared, she wouldn't be so scared either.
With that, a nurse wearing pink scrubs walked in with a wheelchair.
"Beth, I'm nurse Alvarez, you're gonna come with me okay," she said sweetly.
Slowly, Beth climbed down from off of Quinn's knee and walked over to nurse Alvarez. She sat down in the chair and looked back at Quinn nervously.
"Don't worry, you'll see her as soon as you're done." She said and wheeled Beth out of the room.
Quinn got up too, and walked to the waiting room. There she saw Santana, Kurt, Blaine and her mother all sitting in a row of chairs. She silently took a seat next to Santana, who gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.
"You okay, Q?" Santana asked softly.
Quinn nodded and sighed.
"She's gonna be okay, she's just like you. She's stubborn. So is Berry, she'll probably come out of surgery singing some Barbra Streisand song," she joked and tried to lighten the mood.
Quinn laughed lightly. She was still scared but she felt better knowing that her family was here with her.
"Where's Brittany?" Quinn asked and looked around. Normally Santana and Brittany were quite literally linked at the pinky.
Santana took a deep breath. "She had to stay back in New York. With Finley."
"Who's Finley?" Quinn asked, she couldn't be sure if she wanted to know the answer. She knew Santana and Brittany did some strange things.
"Remember over the summer, when we said we were looking into adopting a daughter?" Santana said and smiled.
Quinn's jaw dropped and she covers her mouth with her hands. "That's amazing!" She squeaked.
Santana nodded and smiled. "Yeah, she's six months old, Brittany says she looks like me, but I don't know how that's possible because she's adopted." She said and blushed.
Quinn was grinning ear to ear. "I'm so happy for you."
"Thank you, I was waiting for the right time to tell you, you know with Beth and all." Santana explained.
Quinn nodded, she understood. "Did you name her after..." her voice faded away.
Santana smiled sadly. "It was my idea. Finn was a much better person than I'll ever be, maybe this way, some of him will rub off on her." She said.
"San, you're an amazing person. You just took a child and gave her a family. That's something to be proud of," Quinn said and hugged Santana.
"And maybe when Beth's older she can babysit," Quinn added.
Santana shook her head. "Nope. No way am I letting your dirty offspring near my perfect little angel."
Quinn pretend to be annoyed.
She turned her head to the side and looked out the window. Kurt saw this and stood up, walked over to her and sat on her chairs arm rest. He placed his hand on her shoulder firmly. Quinn wasn't sure what to say or do. Her and Kurt and never been close friends, she knew that he perceived her as the dumb blonde cheerleader that had gotten knocked up in high school. He had never made much of an effort to be her friend, because he made it very clear he felt superior because he was a nice person, and Quinn had hardly been decent back in high school.
"Quinn," he started, and she looked him in the eye. "You and I both know I'm not your biggest fan. But I know you're making an effort to reinvent yourself, and this time without dressing like you're emo and dyeing your hair pink."
Quinn nodded.
Kurt took a deep breath before he continued. "I can see  you've become a better person. Rachel raves about you constantly. She really does love you."
Quinn smiled and blushed. Rachel didn't even have to be with her to make her feel flustered. "I love her too." She said quietly and looked down at her lap.
"I'm not done. She loves you. And she loves Beth. You're very lucky, I hope you know that. Because not many people would be willing to date a twenty year old mother. But Rachel took a chance on you, because she's a great person. That's why now I'm taking chance on you. And now, she is literally giving a piece of herself to you and Beth, because that is how much she cares about you both. Quinn she's risking her life. Don't take her for granted this time. You're lucky you got a second chance." He said, strictly yet still kindly.
Quinn nodded. "I would never do anything to hurt her."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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