Chapter 15

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Rachel sat in bed with Quinn's head over her heart. Quinn was fumbling with the thread on the comforter quietly. She had a million thoughts running through her head at a mile a minute. Rachel could almost feel how much Quinn was thinking.
No answer.
"Quinn?" Rachel asked a little more aggressively.
Still no answer.
"Lucy Quinn Fabray."
"What?" Quinn groaned. As much as she loved Rachel, she hated being pulled out of her head, but she hated being called Lucy even more.
"Are you okay?" Rachel asked and twirled some of Quinns hair around her finger.
Quinn shrugged. "Never call me Lucy, I hate it," she said and completely ignored the question.
"It's your name," Rachel stated bluntly.
"No. Quinn is my name. Nobody calls me Lucy anymore," Quinn said in a monotone voice.
"Why do you hate that name so much?" Rachel asked. "Wait thats off topic. Quinn, what's wrong?"
Quinn mumbled something about how she hated both questions then made a "hmph" noise and crossed her arms over her chest. But she refused to move from Rachel.
"I hate the name Lucy," She murmured.
Rachel nodded, she understood. She didn't know much about what happened, but she did know that Quinn had been called a mean nickname in middle school. She wasn't sure the name was, or why Quinn had freaked out after a few posters were put up during her run for homecoming queen. Rachel didn't even know what was on the posters, or why Quinn had gotten so upset.
All she knew was that they only had a few more minutes before Beth woke up and came toddling into their room and asked for breakfast. Beth used to some sprinting in at six in the morning every day bursting with energy. Over time though, she'd reduced to a slow wander with a dazy smile and she still asked for breakfast, even though she hardly ever finished it now.
"If you promise to never, ever, call me Lucy again, I had an idea." Quinn said suddenly.
"What is it?"
"Well... I thought, maybe if you wanted, when Beth if feeling up to it, all of us could maybe go to Coney Island," Quinn suggested shyly, and Rachel could hear the smile in her voice. "All of us. Like- like kind of, never mind."
"Like what?"
Quinn looked up at Rachel and blushed. "Like a family," she said softly.
Quinn sat up fully and looked to Rachel for a response. Secretly hoping Rachel wouldn't reject her.
"We are like a little family aren't we?" Rachel said with a laugh. "Even if we've only been dating a few weeks."
And as if on cue, Beth came sandering in with a lopsided grin and climbed up onto their bed. She crawled into Rachels lap and wrapped her arms around her neck.
"Do you want some breakfast?" Rachel asked.
Beth shook her head. "Not yet."
Quinn thought back to the first time she'd spent the night at Rachel's house. Almost three months ago, she had told herself that her and Rachel would never be friends again. She'd envisioned them as a family for a brief moment, then shut the idea out of her mind. Because only a short few months ago, she'd been to scared to accept the fact that she was in love with Rachel Berry.
"Mommy when are we gonna go home?" Beth asked.
Quinn looked at Rachel, a little lost. Lucky for her, Rachel knew exactly what to say. She always did. "Beth, I think instead of wondering when you're going home, you should enjoy the time you have here. New York is a very special place," she said and looked Beth in the eye.
"Is Rachel gonna come home with us mommy? Because you love her, and when you love someone you live with them and get married have babies together," Beth said matter of factly.
"Who told you all this?" Quinn asked.
"Aunty Tana," Beth stated.
Quinn mumbled some incoherent words about never letting Santana babysit again.
"If Rachel wants to come to New Haven she can, but if she wants to stay here she can. It's all up to her," Quinn said, hoping Rachel didn't feel to much pressure.
Rachel smiled. She may not be able to move to New Haven, but she could guarantee she would visit every weekend for Beth and Quinns sake.
"Well, I'm not able to go back with you, but I will visit you all the time, and you and Quinn are welcome here anytime," Rachel smiled down at the little girl.
"Oh so you're finally going to use that train ticket I got you?" Quinn smirked.
    My girlfriend is such a dork. Rachel thought to herself. Girlfriend. It felt so good to be able to call Quinn that. It was like a dream.
    "Lets get some breakfast, come on Beth, you're gonna help."
    Rachel lifted Beth up into her arms and carried her into the kitchen. Quinn sat on at the table and watched Rachel set Beth down on the countertop. Rachel sang Girls Like Girls under her breath as she made Beth and Quinn toast and eggs. She even made sure Quinns food wasn't touching, because Quinn refused to eat it if it was. Rachel sat on the countertop with Beth as they ate and held a napkin, occasionally wiping at the little girls face so she wouldn't make a mess.
    Quinn would of told Rachel that she was spoiling Beth rotten, and that Beth wasn't allowed to sit on the countertops and not eat at the table. But she didn't, because Rachel made her happier than she'd ever been in a long time. And Rachel made Beth happy. And that was all she needed. As long as Rachel was in her life she knew she would be okay, no matter what.

AN: I'm sorry this chapter is so short! The next one will be better.

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