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   Eleven clung to Mikes arm as they walked out the arcade doors swiftly with a prize that Mike had won in his hand. Mike flipped his watch over so he could see it and it read 4:34, they had skipped 7th period so the party could escape rush hour at the arcade and it was just about time for all the kids to come flooding through the doors now.
"Let's go back to my house ok? You don't have to be home until 6," Mike said and El nodded with a smile plastered on her face at his softly spoken words.

  "Race ya to the couch!" Mike yelled as he a Eleven got off the bike. El sprinted way ahead of Mike with all of her blood rushing to her thin calf's. She was breathing really heavy when she threw herself on the old couch in the basement but she knew that Mike knew not to challenge her again. Mike came barreling through the door a few moments later with sweat lining his forehead, and he bellyflopped on the couch. He lifted his face from the soft couch only to see El sitting indian style in front of him with boasting grin on her lips.
"Geez El didn't know you could run that fast!" Mike exclaimed with an exhausted tone.
"Hmm next time don't challenge me," She said sassily.
"Eggos?" He asked. Eleven nodded and quickly got up from the couch. Mike was still tired so he slowly got up and crept up the stairs.
"Hurry up slowpoke!" El yelled from the kitchen. Mike rolled his eyes and jogged down the hallways to the kitchen to where El was.
Except when he got there she wasn't in the kitchen at all.
"El? El?" He said as he went around searching the kitchen counters and cabinets. He searched for a good minute or two and started to get a little nervous considering what he has been through already.
"El come out already! Seriously!" He yelled.
He opened the pantry just to check then Eleven jumped out at him and yelled BOO! She startled Mike and he jumped back a little into the counters, but El just started giggling like a little girl. She approached Mike who's back was up against the tile cold tile counters and she hugged him tightly in a humored way, Mike snapped out of his startled trance and hugged her back while lightly laughing.
"You scared me El, physically and emotionally," Mike told her.
"I'm sorry but you should have seen you face love," El said while blushing.
"Ok ok, now did you get the eggos while you were in there?" Mike asked.
"No silly the eggos are in the freezer," She said as she jogged to the fridge. El quickly opened the small freezer and tossed the cardboard box behind her hoping Mike was paying attention. She shot around to see Mike holding the box of eggos and walking over to the rusty toaster.
"Go turn the tv on for us, would ya?" Mike asked sweetly. El nodded and ran into the living room.

  Mike steadily walked into the living room with  a plate on eggos in his shaky hands. He saw El sitting on the couch with a plaid blanket coating her legs which were up on the couch next to her. She glanced up at Mike and smiled cutely then she patted the spot next to her as an indication to come and sit. Mike plopped down on the couch and set the stack of eggos down on the floor next to their bare feet.  Mike pulled El into his sweet embrace and they rocked a little as the two watched the grainy tv screen in silence. Pure sweet happy silence. All Mike could ever ask for in that moment with Eleven in his arms.

Just a filler chapter, sorry for not uploading last week but I was experiencing some writers block. I have a lot of tests and finals and all that stuff coming up soon so I'll be pretty busy.❤️❤️


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