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     Hopper drove up to Mikes house with El, Dustin and Will in the back of his police suv. The ride there was pretty silent considering that Eleven is extremely shy, except when she is a round Mike. El pressed her face against the bitter cold window and watched Mike jog to the car with a full duffle bag in his hand. Mike looked up from his feet and saw El making her face look funny while smashed against the window. He giggled when he got closer and veered to the right to throw his bag in the trunk.
"Hey El!" He said as he got in the car and kissed her cheek. Dustin and Will made a disgusted face at Mike kissing her but didn't make any remarks afterwards. There were only three seats in the row so Mike suggested that El and him moved to the very back next to the bags. He took her hand and the both climbed over the leather seats to where all the stuffed bags sat, and when the got there Mike sat next to the small window and patted his lap motioning for El to sit. El gladly sat down with him and she laid her head back on his chest and nuzzled around for a few seconds until Mike started shushing her and caressing her arm slowly.

El slowly opened her eyes and immediately lifted her chin to find Mike staring at her with a longing expression.
"Oh take a picture, It'll last longer," She said playfully.
"I can't help it your just so damn cute when you're sleeping," Mike replied with a smile.
"Ok well, what do we do now?" Asked Eleven.
"And were not going to eat each other's faces either," She added. Mike pouted for a second and then smiled.
"How about we play a game?" He said.
"Sure what is it?"
"It's called I spy, it's a game where you have to find something in the car that is a certain color and then the other person has to guess what it is," Mike explained.
"Okay, sounds easy enough, can I go first?" Asked El. Mike nodded and El started to scope around.
"Ah ha! I spy something Blue!" Said El confidently. Mike knew exactly what it was.
"Dustin's hat!" He yelled excitedly.
"Dammit! Ok your turn now,"
"Hey can y'all quiet down?" Max yelled from the front seat. Mike gave her the death stare and then turned his attention back to his girlfriend.
"Oh I found something brown!" He said without even looking around.
"Hmmmm... the seats?" She asked.
"That duffle bag?"
"Not even close," replied Mike shaking his head.
"Ooo! The stripes on Lucas's shirt!"
"Mmh mm,"
"Hoppers hair?"
"Ugh I give up!"
"It's your beautiful brown eyes love," Mike said blushing.
"Oh," El said avoiding his eyes while she turned a bright shade of sunset pink.

Hoppers SUV roughly rolled up to the log cabin and jostled side to side as they trailed the gravel path down to the two story log cabin. Mike woke up from his catnap to this abrupt roughness and immediately held El even tighter. El had her tongue sticking out in concentration as she fiddled with Will's blue rubix cube that Bob had given him while he was sick.
"Oh so now you wake up," El complained.
"I'm sorry but I'm not the only person who fell asleep and made their significant other feel lonely for an hour or so," He replied with a sarcastic tone. El just rolled her eyes and then focused her attention back to the pesky little rubix cube. The car came to a stop in front of a beautiful, large log cabin. Everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and flooded out the doors. El sighed heavily and threw the rubix cube to the side, and Mike started squirming in place letting El know to get up. Once they were out of the car the two hand in hand walked around to the trunk and started to pick up their bags. El reached for her green one but Mike quickly swooped it up before she could lay a finger on it.
"Mike really I can handle it," She said lovingly while reaching for the suitcase.
"No no I got it! Don't you worry your pretty little face about me," Replied Mike.
"Are you sure? Cause I could just levitate over there," offered El.
"Seriously babe I got it," He said while lifting the bags away from the trunk. The weight crushed down on him and he dipped his shoulders in weakness but swiftly lifted himself up with the bags hung behind his shoulders.
Mike reached the front door and El trailed along behind him with a worry some look on her face. El opened the creaky door for him and when he reached the wooden floors he immediately heaved the bags off his shoulders
and set them by a window while El watched in admiration. Hopper approached them and said
"Ok so you guys and the rest of the kids will share the loft upstairs so go get set up, and then we'll  see what we can find to eat," They both nodded and made their way upstairs with their stuffed bags being dragged behind them.

That was a bland ending but hope it was in some form enjoyable, it was kinda long so I didn't really proof read. I promise imma get to the good part sooooon, just need to think about how to make it special. ❤️❤️
Edit: I just uploaded at 11 o'clock on the dot 🤯

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