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The whole gang enjoyed the rest of their milkshakes and fries at Pops with no more petty drama to be found, and Mike continued to talk to El about the things he does at school
and what the outside world would be like for her.

"So what is dissecting again?" El asked.

"Well its where you have to take apart a small animal or something to learn about its body part and the way things function on the inside, it's actually quite gross and I don't enjoy doing it," Mike replied with a scrunched up face.

"Have you dissected a squirrel before?" El asked while reminiscing on her encounters with them before.

"No, and thank god I haven't," Answered Mike.

"Hey kiddos I think it is time to start heading out so come on and let's go pack our skis up in the back of my car," Hopper said as he stood up motioning for everyone else to do the same.

Mike looked back at El and grabbed her hand then smiled and pulled her up with him.

They all strode out the door and down the last part of the slope until they reached the the solid concrete ground, and non of them looked back to see the red stain El had left on the booth's seat.


Well El certainly found out about the blood after she got out of Hoppers suv, for Mike had seen it as he got out behind her.

Mike knew not to embarrass her so he kinda nugged her shoulder as she was turned around getting out of the car.

El looked back and her eyes grew as big as saucers, she blushed hardly then she covered it up with a chip bag from the cup holder.

Lucas followed Mike as he walked past El who was miraculously pressing a chip bag to the leather seat, but he knew better than to question her doings so he looked at her funny but kept on walking.

Joyce stopped in her tracks for she saw El holding down a chip bag and couldn't help but ask why.

El slowly lifted the chip bag to reveal the small patch of blood.

"Oh sweetie come with me, I'll show you how to deal with this type of thing," Joyce said feeling bad for El.

El nodded and ashamed fully walked inside with her head hung down low.


Eleven walked up the stairs and into the loft to find everyone passed out in their sleeping bags except for Mike of course who was waiting for El.

"Hey did Joyce fix ya?" He whispered.

"Yeah, I feel kind of embarrassed about it I'm sorry," El said as she got in Mikes sleeping bag.

"Hey there is nothing to be sorry about ok? It happens at random and this week just happened to be the unlucky winner," Mike said soothingly as he rubbed her forehead.

"Your the best you know? Your just so protective and understanding and that's what I love so much about you," El said then planted a wet kiss on his forehead.

"Well that Is nothing compared to how much I love you," Mike replied with dominance.

El scooted closer to him until their faces were just 2 inches apart, she raised an eyebrow for she felt competitive, then grabbed Mikes bony shoulders and forcefully kissed his lips letting it linger there then went in for another one.

Mike melted into her lips and opened his eyes  once she pulled away. He shook his head then rose above El and startled her by scooping up her chin in his hands and kissing her little lips harshly.

El opened her mouth in astonishment then grabbed his hair and his jaw. She looked into his loving eyes then stole another kiss. Her tongue fought for dominance and Mike gave it to her.

"Can y'all get a room? Your very loud," Max said from the other side of the room in a very grainy, tired voice.

El opened her eyes in the middle of their kiss and slowly and sweetly pulled away while blushing some as was Mike.

Mike smiled then pulled her closer to his chest and wrapped his arms around her small waist.
She relaxed into his embrace and laid her head on his collarbone while her eyelids started to droop.

They shared each other's warmth in the red sleeping bag, El's legs over his and his arm over  her chest.  Before she started to snore Mike whispered softly into her ear;

"You won for now princess,"


Oooohohooo kInKy.... not rlly, but I hope y'all like the new format because personally it's probably easier to read. I've decided to have an update schedule because I'm profesh like that, so I will  always post on Mondays, that is for sure. I'll occasionally update on a random day but only if I'm not busy and if I feel like it. Btw who is actually reading the a/n? If you are props to you my friend.❤️❤️ Oh btw I made a different story dedicated to crack and edits go check it.

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