Chapter 1

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"Wake up you annoying brats!" Mr. Dunglee yelled. I slowly got up and went to change. You may be wondering why I didn't shower. We only get one shower a month.

All the girls in my section shared clothes. Sections are kind of like forms only your categorized by height and weight. This is only so they don't have to buy us all individual clothes.

The 'popular' girls always get to pick out what they want first. I always go last, so I don't get bullied even more.

I always take the same grey skinny jeans and faded purple tee shirt, but today one of the 'popular girls took the skinny jeans. I didn't really care. I just grabbed a regular pair of jeans, and went to do my chores.

Today for my chore I was the greeter. The greeter has to sit in a seat all day, so you can greet potential adopters. I don't mind being the greeter because I don't get to have a chance to be adopted. That's why everyone hates being the greeter.

Around 12:38 a young couple came in. "Hi! welcome to Sunny Ridge Orphanage!" I said to the couple. "Thank you. Would you mind if we adopted you?" The lady asked. "Sorry I'm not in the line up today." I replied. The woman gave me a strange look, but kept walking to the front desk.

Another couple came in, but it was two guys. I don't judge though. There's nothing wrong with being gay. I gave them the same greeting I gave the other couple.

•Anthony's POV•

"Ian do you really think we can take care of another person!" I said looking at Ian. "You won't have to. I will." Ian said. After awhile of arguing we came to a conclusion we were adopting a kid. (AU I know a lot of people say child, but I rather stick to kid)

We go to the nearest orphanage. I read the sign Sunny Ridge Orphanage.

When we walked in we were greeted by a girl. She said "Hi! Welcome to Sunny Ridge Orphanage!" It sounded so robotic.

When we walked to the front desk Ian asked for the files.

We were skimming through them when I came across the girl who greeted us.

"Hey Ian?"


"How bout her?"

"Let me see her file."

I handed him the file and kept looking through the others.

"Anthony I figured it out."

"Figured what out?"

"Who I'm going to adopted."



•Olivia's POV•

I sat in my chair thinking. 'Why do those guys seem familiar?'

I was torn out of my thoughts by Mr. Dunglee yelling to line up. I of course stayed in my seat.

After awhile the two guys left looking disappointed. 'I wonder what there upset about.'


Authors Note 😊

See like I said it's short.

Don't hate me!

I will try my best to make it longer next time!


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