"What?!" Zayn gasps.
"I.. Uh..." I stutter. I could've sworn I remembered being buried in the sand thanks to him. "Didn't we shoot that on a beach in LA? And when I took a nap you..."
"You remembered something!" Zayn cheers.
That's when it hits me why he was so astonished. A piece of my memory had returned.
"What's with all the shouting?" Louis comes in, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Harry remembered when I buried him in the sand on the beach in LA!" Zayn cheers.
"Really?" Louis' eyes light up as he runs over.
"Yeah.. But that's all I can remember though." I sigh, feeling bad.
"But you remembered something! That's great, Haz!" Louis wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug before retreating quickly when I tense up.
"It's a start, Harry." Liam smiles, shutting off the computer.
When we get a brief glimpse of the background again, of Louis and I sleeping, I see his face fall.
"So, you remembered something with Zayn?" He asks. I nod. "Right. I'm.. um, I'm going back to sleep." He turns and leaves the room. I hear his bedroom door shut quietly.
"We should probably get going.." Zayn says, scratching the back of his neck.
"We've got a meeting with Management tomorrow." Liam says as we head to the door.
"Should I be nervous?" I ask.
We're driving to the big building that management is located at. I feel sick.
The rest of the guys seem nervous, and Louis has been chewing on his lip so much that I'm afraid he's gonna start bleeding.
We drive into the parking area below the building, before taking a lift up thirty six floors, to where management is located.
We all walk in, and sit down in five chairs, and they make sure I'm in the middle. A man walks in and sits down at the table, along with two other men.
The man at the table is rather fit, and has spikey black hair, as well as a small beard-more of a soul patch, really-and thin rectangular glasses. He's wearing a red shirt underneath his jacket.
The other two men are both a bit bigger than him, one of them is balding though, whilst the other has his grey hair in a ponytail.
"So, boys," Says the seated one, crossing his hands on the table. "Everyone well?"
"Oh yeah, yeah, we're fine, aside from, you know, Harry has amnesia!" Louis snaps.
"Minor details." The man smiles a very snake-like grin at Louis.
"Minor?" Louis gasps. "He doesn't remember anything from before he even auditioned! He doesn't know any of our songs, or any of the places we've toured! He doesn't even remember us!" Louis cries.
At his last statement, I see the man raise an eyebrow at Louis, smirking.
"Liam, Niall, Harry, Zayn, could you four please go wait in the other room for a moment while I speak with Louis?" The man is still smirking at Louis, who looks horrified. What did he say?
"C'mon, Harry." Liam says, tapping my shoulder as the four of us walk to the other room.
It's only windows dividing the two rooms, so we can see everything that's going on, but it's all soundproof. I stand there and watch as the man talks to Louis.
The man asks him a question, and Louis looks down at his lap as he answers. The man smiles, then stands up, walking to the front of the desk, leaning gently on it as he crosses his arms over his chest with a smirk. He starts to talk again.
Louis looks up, panicked, trying to object to what he's saying by the looks of it. The man raises a hand, silencing him, and Louis bites his lip.
The man says something, and Louis stands up, tears clearly streaming down his face. I can feel my hands clenching into fists. What is that man saying to Louis?!
Louis falls back into his seat, and I turn to the other boys, who are all exchanging worried glances.
"You boys can come back in now." Ponytail man informs us.
We all walk back in, and Louis is slumped in his chair looking down, his hands over his face.
"Well, boys. I think this is pretty much it. In three days you will have an interview." Says the man who made Louis cry.
"But what about Harry's memory? And we just gonna tell everyone?!" Niall asks.
"Well, unless he's gotten it back by then." The man chuckles. "Then you've got another four weeks." He looks at Louis, who shudders.
The ride home is silent, except for Louis' sobs, which are being muffled by his arms.
I want to reach out to him, wrap my arms around him and comfort him, but I feel like it would be awkward.
As soon as we get home, I go up to my room, feeling like all of this stress is because of me. I stay in there for a bit, then decide maybe I should talk to the boys. I'm heading to the living room when I hear two voices coming from the kitchen. Louis and Liam. I freeze, eavesdropping.
"-give me four weeks." Louis sobs.
"That's it?" Liam gasps. He pauses and I guess Louis nods, because Liam continues on. "But it took over a year before!"
"I know! Do you think I like it at all?! This is worse for me!" Louis shouts.
"Lou, I'm sorry." Liam softens. "We'll find a way to fix everything before then."
"It's pointless." Louis sighs, his voice slightly muffled now.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't think the feeling is mutual anymore."
I turn now, and head to the living room, where I thought Zayn and Niall might be, but they're gone. I walk into the kitchen whistling so my presence is known.
"Where'd Zayn and Niall go?" I ask.
"Um.." Liam pauses, and I look at Louis, who's sitting at the counter, with his arms crossed on the counter and his face buried in them. "They went to pick up some food."
"Okay." I say, looking at Louis, but afraid to ask what's wrong. I feel like it's none of my business. "Well, I'm gonna take a shower."
As I walk out of the room, I swear, I hear Louis mutter one last thing to Liam.
"See. I told you."

Falling Again [Larry Stylinson]
FanfictionWhen Harry wakes up in hospital, he's with four boys he's never seen in his life. The doctors tell him he's got amnesia, and one of the boys, Louis, seems more affected by it than the rest of the boys. And now they're in a band together?! Slowly, Ha...