Chapter Seventeen-Spider

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I sit on my bed, looking at the clock.

I swear it's going slower. I just want this month to pass.

I want to be able to not have to always be near Louis. I want fresh air.

I get up, pacing around my room. I feel claustrophobic.

I can't breath, so I head downstairs, getting a glass of water.

As I drink my water, I can hear the other boys in the living room. As of tomorrow, it will officially be two weeks until our interview.

I start to look through the cupboards, which have a lot of food in. I set my glass down, continuing on, chuckling as I pass the cupboard full of an assortment of expensive looking alcohols, thinking that I'm now legally allowed to drink.

I shut the cupboard, and pick up my glass again.

I can tell Louis is not with the boys, and I wonder what he's doing, when I hear a scream coming from his room, and the entire house goes silent.

I set my glass down and run to the living room, where all the other boys are sitting paralysed.

"What was tha-" I start, but he screams again, so I run up the stairs, swinging his door open. "Louis?"

"Help!" I hear a cry from his position, standing on his desk across the room.

"Louis? What's wrong?" I ask, crossing over to him.

"SPIDER!" He shouts, pointing at the ground. I look down to see a large black insect crawling towards Louis.

"AHH!" I scream, jumping up onto the desk next to him.

"Louis? Harry?" I hear Liam shout, running into the room.

He freezes, looking perplexed at the two of us up on the desk.

"SPIDER!" Louis and I shout together, pointing at the ground. Louis sounds close to tears, but I don't dare wrap my arms around him.

"Oh god." Liam sighs, shaking his head as he grabs a tissue and crosses over, squashing the spider. "Better?" He looks up, raising an eyebrow.

I nod, and see Louis doing the same out of the corner of my eye. We both jump off the desk, and I chuckle.

"We're such wimps." I laugh, shaking my curls out with my fingers.

"Shut up. It was a big spider." Louis pouts cutely.

"I said we, didn't I?" I laugh, walking out of his room and into my own. He follows me, sitting down on my bed.

"Maybe you did, maybe you didn't." He shrugs, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Well I say I did, and I am right." I say, trying hard to ignore the tension building between us.

"Harry?" He asks after a moment.


"Nothing.. Never mind."

"Alright." I say with a shrug. "Let's go make dinner, I'm hungry." I head out of my room, not liking the small space between Lou and I.

"Wait up!" He chases me out of the room, almost crashing into me.

"No, you hurry up." I run quickly down the stairs.

I almost run into Zayn, but I jump around him, laughing as him and Louis collide.

"I WIN!" I cheer, reaching the kitchen.

"No, I did." Louis states simply, opening the fridge. "Now, what to make for dinner...."

"Let's make a pizza!" Niall says, coming into the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I smile.

"Wait-frozen or from scratch?" Liam asks, looking worried.

"From scratch, of course." I smile, pinching Liam's cheeks.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Zayn asks.

"Yes. Now let's go!" I state, grabbing a bowl.

"YEOP!" Niall pumps his fist in the air, making us all laugh.


The pizza turns out great, and we eat it all.

Well, we all had one piece and Niall ate the rest, but either way, it was eaten by eight.

"Let's watch a film." I suggest, going over and flipping through the DVDs we have, many of which we've already watched since arriving out here.

"How about we watch... Twilight?" Louis asks.

"Fine." Liam laughs. "Harry?"

"Sure." I say, grabbing the DVD and putting it in the DVD player.


When the film ends, we all go up to bed. I feel odd, walking away from Louis.

The last thing that I think before falling asleep is the fact that I still haven't remembered anything more about Louis...

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