Chapter Twelve-Take Care Of Me

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I groan as I lean back on the wall beside the toilet.

"Harry?" I hear Louis call.

"Ungh." I murmur some noise, letting him know I'm here.

"Harry? What happened?" Louis asks, coming into the room. "God, Harry, are you alright?" He gasps.

"Yeah, just a bit-" I'm cut off when I have to lean over and throw up again.

"Hey, it's fine." I hear Louis soothing me as he rubs small circles into the small of my back, and I cough a bit, tears escaping from my eyes.

"Yeah. Fine." I grumble, leaning back against the wall.

"Come on." He mutters, reaching around my waist to help me up. I let my arm fall over his shoulders as he helps me to my room. "Are you going to change yourself, or would you like me to?"

"I can do it!" I say, defensively.

"Alright. I'll go get you some medicine." He chuckles, leaving me alone in my room.

I groan as I change into my sweats and Jack Wills jumper. I head downstairs, where Louis is making some tea.

"I told the boys you got sick." He says, setting the steaming mug in front of me when I sit down.

"Thanks." I say, taking a sip of the tea, smiling when I realise he knows how to make my tea just the way I like it.

"Here." Louis says, holding his fisted hand in front of me. I look at it. "Hold out your hand." I do what he says and he drops some pills into my hand.

"Ew." I mutter, wrinkling my nose at them.

"Take them, or you'll only get worse." He says, ruffling my curls. I bite my lip, glaring at the pills before I swallow them, taking a sip of my slightly cooler tea after.

"See? That wasn't so bad." Louis smiles.

"You didn't have to take the pills." I mutter, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Cold?" He asks. I nod, and he walks out of the room, only to reappear a moment later with a blanket, which he wraps around my shoulders. "Better?"

"A bit."

"Right. Now bed." He says.

"What?" I gasp.

"Oh, stop being a child. It's almost midnight as it is." He mutters, his hand on my back as he guides me up the stairs.

"Alright." I say, regrettably loving the feeling of his hand placed so lovingly on my back.

He leads me to my room, pulling down the covers for me, then tucking them in around me.

"Night, Haz." He says once I'm starting to doze off, pressing his lips lightly to my forehead. I have to hold my breath to prevent it from hitching.

I shut my eyes, trying to calm myself down as he walks out of my room.


I wake up the next morning feeling like complete shit. I can't breathe. Oh god! I can't breathe!

I jump up, coughing, still gasping for air. I'm gonna die!

Then I realise that I'd had the blanket covering my face as I regain my breath, although my throat does feel swollen. I make my way downstairs, where Louis is already waiting with a cup of tea, which he hands to me.

"Feeling better?" He asks, and I just shake my head. He goes to grab the bottle of pills when I cough. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"Can't... Swallow.." I say, although I feel like it's going to kill me.

"My god, Harry, you sound like shit." Zayn says, walking into the room. I grimace at him. He smirks in return as Louis walks over to me.

"Shit, Harry." He says, pressing his hands to my forehead, sending shivers down my spine. "You're burning up."

"Ugh." I sigh, resting my face on the table, pushing my tea cup away from me.

"You need to take some medicine." Louis says, grabbing my shoulder to make me sit back up.

"Can't swallow." I mouth, pointing to my throat.

"Well you can't swallow pills," he says, his brow furrowed. My eyebrows shoot up, knowing what he's thinking. I shake my head violently. "Harry you need to take cough syrup."

"No!" I cry with a scratchy voice.

"You have to." He states, but I cross my arms, pouting my lips. "I'll go get Liam." He groans as he walks out of the kitchen, upstairs.

"Hey, Li I-AHH!" He screams, and I hear the door slam shut, then Louis comes running downstairs.

"What was that?" Zayn asks, raising an eyebrow curiously.

Louis just shakes his head, and Zayn and I look at each other, confused. I raise an eyebrow, and he shrugs, neither of us sure what exactly scared Louis.

That is until Liam and Niall come running downstairs, lips swollen, pulling on their clothes.

"Oh my god!" Zayn gasps.

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