I still can't sleep.
We have six days left until the interview, and management called, saying that they'll be sending someone out here in four days to get us.
So, after our long ride home, and sleeping time, we'll only be home for a few hours before the interview.
"Harry?" Zayn asks, knocking on my door.
"Come in." I sigh into my pillow.
"Harry, you need to come and eat." He says, sitting down on my bed.
"Not enough sleep... Too tired to eat.." I mumble.
"Well, malnourishment won't help with your insomnia, so come on." He says, rolling me over and grabbing my arm, pulling me to stand.
"No." I whine, dropping all my weight.
I truly am very tired, although I am hungry, I don't want to face Louis. Or Zayn, but I don't have it in me to pull away as he drags me down the stairs.
"Ow." I scowl as he drops me into my seat.
"Harry?" Louis looks up at me from across the table.
"That's my name." I say, glancing over to Niall who is humming Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes as he walks into the room.
"Harry! You're up!" He smiles, sitting down at the table as Liam walks in, carrying a large casserole dish.
"What's that?" I ask.
"I made lasagna." He says proudly, setting it down on the table.
"We made lasagna." Niall states, Liam sticking his tongue out at him. "Idiot." Niall chuckles.
"You guys have issues." Zayn smiles, sitting down beside me.
I'm trying to pay attention through dinner, but all I'm aware of is the feeling of Louis' stare on me. Why is he staring at me?
I find myself wiping my mouth more than necessary, in fear he may be looking at me because of something on my face.
"Can I help you with something?" I ask, looking up to meet his stare finally. My voice sounded.. Odd.
"You've got something in your hair." He says, reaching over and touching my hair.
I feel my entire body tense up at his touch, and he notices too, pulling his hand back quickly, but there is something in his fingers.
"How the fuck did you get a feather in your hair?" I hear Zayn laugh, looking at the slender white feather that Louis is examining.
"I don't know!" I say, looking at the feather. How in the world did that happen?
"What have you been doing in your room?" Louis asks, his eyes wide, still trained on the feather.
"Trying to sleep-wait!" I jump up. "Oh, fuck." I press my face into my hands, sitting down. How the fuck am I supposed to explain what happened?
"What?" Liam asks.
"I kind of.. Might have... Um, bit my pillow open in my sleep?" I say, biting my lip as I look down at the table.
"What?" Zayn gasps, chuckling.
"I bit my pillow open in my sleep." I mumble softly.
"What were you dreaming about? Was it food?" Niall asks.
"Um, yeah." I say, feeling Louis' gaze on me.
I can't tell them what actually happened.
I can't tell them that I had a sex dream about Louis, and ended up in the dream-as well as in reality, apparently-I had tore the pillow open with my teeth and Louis and I had thrown them at each other.
"I'm done." I say, pushing away my still half full plate of pasta away from me.
"You sure?" Louis asks.
I nod, standing up and heading back up to my bed. This is just too damn hard.
I drop to my bed, and can hear all of their muffled voices from downstairs. I catch a few words, but I don't know who they're from.
"... Don't know... What if he... We'll just deal.... Didn't Zayn tell you... That's less than a week!... Can we help?... We can try.." And with that, I fall asleep, to another crude dream.
"Hazza!" Louis chimes in a weird opera voice.
"Boobear!" I chime in the same voice.
"HELP!" He squeals.
"You're an idiot." I smirk, walking into the kitchen to find him covered in a dark purplish liquid.
"I forgot the lid..." He motions to the blender beside him.
"Again?" I chuckle, walking over to him.
"I'm blueberry flavoured!" He smiles proudly.
"Mm." I hum, kissing him lightly on the lips. "You are."
"Jealous?" He asks.
"Not so much. I mean, I really like blueberries, so I don't know if I'd want to be one." I pause, my lips grazing his as I speak. "Plus... It makes you even sweeter." I press my lips back to his.
"Yeah?" He murmurs into the kiss.
Then I feel something on the back of my neck, and I let out a squeal as he giggles, his blueberry arms wrapped around my neck.
"EW!" I smile, wiping the back of my neck.
"But, Haz! Now we're both blueberry flavoured!"
"I said I didn't want to be blueberry flavoured."
"Well, I didn't either." He shrugs as he pulls me back in for another kiss.
I sit up in bed, the entire house quiet now.
Fuck. No more sleep tonight.

Falling Again [Larry Stylinson]
FanfictionWhen Harry wakes up in hospital, he's with four boys he's never seen in his life. The doctors tell him he's got amnesia, and one of the boys, Louis, seems more affected by it than the rest of the boys. And now they're in a band together?! Slowly, Ha...