This was dedicated to ThatEpicPengiun bc she was _TeenForLife's WattPad Bestie!
Louis' POV
I hear something.. In the kitchen? Oh.
The cupboard slams shut, and I hear footsteps on the stairs.
I sit up, stretching out my limbs, seeing the TV on in front of me. Must have fallen asleep in front of the TV.
I stand. Ow.
What idiot let me sleep on the couch?
Slowly, I walk over to the TV, turning it off.
I walk to the kitchen, opening the cupboard, grabbing a glass. I fill it with juice, and realising that the cupboard is still open, I reach up and smack it. It shuts with a slam, a bit louder than I had thought it would be.
"Whoops." I whisper, turning and walking to the other room, looking out the window at the steady stream of rain.
Niall was right, management is more powerful than we thought-
I hear a door upstairs, then footsteps, breaking me out of my thoughts. I wait a moment, before heading to the kitchen.
I bite my lip, holding back a gasp as I see Harry standing there with his perfectly toned, muscular back facing me.
Deep breath.
"Hey, Harry." I smile as I walk into the kitchen, trying to keep my cool like usual lately. He just looks at me oddly, so I continue talking. "What are you doing up so late?"
I place down my now empty glass on the counter, before turning to the fridge for the juice.
I've barely reached the fridge when a sudden pair of hands on my shoulders spin me round.
"H-" I start, but am cut off by the sudden crashing of his lips on mine.
My back is pressed to the cold, hard fridge with a thud, but I pay no attention to it.
Harry's lips move against mine, and I move mine against his without even a second thought, used to the familiar feel of his lips on mine.
His hand cups my neck, while the other is rested tightly on my waist. I feel his fingers knot in my hair as I run my hands along his perfect chest.
His lips leave mine, just to reappear on my neck, his teeth nipping at me. I can feel my heart thudding in my chest.
"H-Ha-" I start, but a moan escapes my lips as his teeth graze over the spot on my neck he's always known I had a weakness for...
Does he remember?
I take a deep breath, realising I have been holding my breath, only to gag on the overwhelming scent of vodka.
Oh god. No...
I push him back off me, using every cell in my body, which is screaming for me to let him continue on. But no...
"Have you been drinking?" I ask, taking a deep breath, almost losing myself in those green eyes.
"What are you talking about?" He asks, swaying ever-so-slightly.
"You reek of vodka." I say, wrinkling my nose.
"I wasn't drinking!" He snaps, and I see his eyes flicker slightly to something behind my shoulder.
Slowly, I turn to see... An empty vodka bottle.
I rush over and grab it.
"Did you drink all of this?" I practically cry.
"No." He answered right away, before the question is even fully out of my mouth. "I spilt some?" He asks, as if I might fall for it.
"Holy fuck, Harry, how are you still standing?" I snarl, tears threatening my eyes. I turn and place the bottle on the counter, then lean on my hands, shaking slightly.
"Louis, I-"
"Fuck it, Harry, go lay down. You'll probably pass out or throw up soon if you don't." I say, dropping my head.
"Well then, fuck you too." He snaps, and I hear him grab another bottle from the cupboard before running up the stairs as tears start to run down my face.
I'm such an idiot.
I cover my eyes, trying to keep my sobs silent. I bite down on my lip.
I shouldn't have stopped him, but.. What if he is as drunk as I think he is? Well then, that just makes me feel worse.
Harry is the type of person that one of two things will happen when he's drunk. First, he will get a bit drunk, and will act on the emotions he's already feeling, which I'm strongly hoping for. But the second option... When Harry gets so drunk, he does something that he'd never actually do in his wildest dreams. Those are the days he wakes up the next morning not remembering any of the previous nights actions.
I turn, so I'm now leaning against the counter, my face buried in my hands as I sob, slowly sliding down to the floor.
This can't be happening.
I head up to my bed soon, not wanting to risk him seeing me like this, all red eyed and puffy.
I wake up before everyone else, and wash my face. I look half decent.
I head downstairs, and start on breakfast.
Niall arrives first, then Liam soon after, followed by Zayn. I wait in the kitchen until Harry finally returns, and everyone else is done eating.
"Morning." I say, not looking at him. "How did you sleep?"
"Uh.. Fine." He grumbles, grabbing the pain killers. "Could you tell me something?" He asks.
"Do you have any idea what happened last night?"
"Uh.. Sorry, no." I shake my head. I feel sick, oh god. "I'll be right back." I mutter, standing from the table and hurrying upstairs, locking my door behind me.
I fall against it, sinking to the ground as tears start to run down my face. I only have two weeks left.

Falling Again [Larry Stylinson]
FanfictionWhen Harry wakes up in hospital, he's with four boys he's never seen in his life. The doctors tell him he's got amnesia, and one of the boys, Louis, seems more affected by it than the rest of the boys. And now they're in a band together?! Slowly, Ha...