Chapter 2

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Tris POV
I'm shocked and I stay there frozen to the spot. Then I realise they don't know who I am so I have to act naturally and not react. So I walk over to them and say "Hey I'm new here and I wondered if you could show me around? Oh I'm Clarissa by the way but everyone calls me Clary." I say. They look at me and then Christina squeals "Of course! I'm Christina and that weirdo over there is my boyfriend Four." I smile and say hello. Then Christina drags me off and starts to show me around the place I know so well. I try to act interested but one thing is bothering me, Christina and Tobias? When did this happen?

"So that's all you need to know about or group. The couples are me and Four, Shauna and Zeke and then there's Uriah. He's such a loner!" she shouts and then i think, wait what Uriahs alive? "Oh I should so set the two of you up!" She squeals. I panic, I couldn't go out with him! He's like a brother to me! Christina points him out to me and I say,"I don't know. He's not really my type..." I trail off. She looks sad but then she brightens up,"Well as long as you don't go after my boyfriend!" I laugh but I think I can't guarantee that.

She takes me to a room, I think it's Zekes and she points out everyone in the group. I smile and wave but I already know them all. They all look at me weirdly but then they relax after Christina tells them about me. We start to talk and apparently Uriah miraculously woke up 5 days after I 'died'. Then everyone goes quiet and I realise they are thinking of me. They then tell me the story and I nod and say something sympathetic every so often. We then play truth or dare but I'm so worried. What if they ask about my past.

Time Skip 20 Minutes Later
Everything was going fine and then we came to Four as I am now calling him. Then he does his dare which is to run around in circles in the put screaming 'I'm a cupcake' repeatedly. I laugh so much I go bright red. Then he picks Christina and she picks dare. I wonder what's going on and then he gets down on one knee.... No this can't be happening.... "Christina I dare you to marry me" No ... she squeals and says yes .. No.... this is all too much. I get up and run from the room. I get out of the doorway and slam it shut. I lean against it, breathing heavily. Then Christina comes out and hugs me. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asks. I wish I could. Of course I do. My boyfriend thinks I'm dead and he's getting married to my best friend. No everything's just peachy. But I need to make some kind of cover story to make them not suspicious.

"No no it's ok. It's just ... well I had this boyfriend you see and I loved him with all my heart. And we were engaged. Everything was going great but 5 months before the wedding he was shot dead. I guess I still haven't got over him....." I trail off. Yes that seems believable. "Oh honey.. It's ok. It's ok. Everything's fine. I'm so sorry. Can I ask his name?" I think for a while and then say "Toby." Hopefully she doesn't put two and two together. But she doesn't. She tells me that she'll explain everything to the group and that I should go to my room. I nod and she says that she'll come to check up on me later. I leave, still shaking. I can't believe what just happened.

I cry myself to sleep that night. Christina came to check up on me but I don't answer the door. I instead pretend to be sleeping. I decide I won't be going near the group again. It's for the best. I need to focus on the mission. I'll talk to them sometimes and I'll go to the wedding, even if it breaks my heart but I will. Oh if only things were different. If only...
〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 Hey guys! Here's the next chapter! I know you want some Fourtris but this is all important. The wedding will be big believe me! So please keep reading. Please tell me what you think! 😊 Bye guys!

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