Chapter 24

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Tris POV
I feel the needle puncture my skin. I feel the rush of the liquid as it pulses throw my veins. I wait for something to happen, anything. Caleb looks, no observes me and says,"The only way we'll know if it worked is if we put her in her fear landscape. So get another serum ready." A few Erudite members rush off and get the serum.

They return and i am injected. I go into my landscape and realise nothings changed. I'm still Divergent. Suddenly I'm pulled out of the landscape. I hear Caleb shouting,"Why didn't it work?" He runs towards me and screams at me,"Why didn't it work? What did you do?" I stare at him defiantly and he punches me in the face. The last thing I remember is the pain pulsing through my face.

Four POV
Max and I decide to bring a group of Dauntless to Erudite and search for Tris. I just want her back here, safe with me. There is nothing I would want more in the world. She could be dead already. No, I can't think like that. She's not dead. She's not. I will find her. I will.
〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter! Please tell me what you thought in the comments! Bye guys! 😊💕

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