Chapter 3

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Time Skip
Eren POV

It's now October 17th few months after our Rivai was born, Levi hasn't been coming home as much anymore. I know he loves me, but I'm starting from lose hope. He has been coming home drunk, and I'm worried.

I keep telling myself, he loves me, but dose he. I also have been trying to contact Petra, but she hasn't responded to anything.

I have a dinner planned for me and Levi, and yes of course Rivai.


I had dinner made by the cooks, I was waiting for Levi, Rivai was laying in his moveable crib, it was already 8 and Levi wasn't home, nor was Hanji and Erwin.

It felt so lonely

The food started getting cold, I decided to just eat, and read after.

After I ate I took my sleeping baby upstairs, than back down to read. I heard the front door open and close, I got up out of my seat and walked into the front entrance.

Author~Chan's POV

"Where the hell have you been?!" Eren had a cold glare targeted at Levi. "Out" was the only thing he said in response.

As he walked by Eren picked up the smell of perfume. "Petra..." Eren turned around and stared at Levi with concern, not for Levi but for his heart.

Levi froze in his spot, "why do you smell like Petra!?" Eren yelled to him but no answer.

"LEVI!" now Eren was screaming, "I was with her, okay?!" Le I finally snapped.

"A-are you cheating on me?" Eren looked into Levi's cold gray eye,, tears threatening to pour out.



"It has to be done!"

"Cheating on me has to be done?!"

"What else is going on?" Eren now red eyes as tears flowed like a waterfall.

"I want a divorce" these four words are what broken Eren.


"I want a divorce! So I can marry Petra!"

"Is Petra more important than me!? Than Rivai your son?! Than your family!?"

"Yes!" Levi's words Echoed through the house.

"If that's how it's going to be," Levi looked into Erens eyes. "Than I'll have the papers for you tomorrow" Eren walked up the stairs his checks stained.

Levi left the house and went to work.

Eren POV

"I wished I had never met him!" I screamed, my sudden out burst woke the baby and I rushed to the nursery. I sang him to sleep with a song my mother used to sing me.

"You are my sun shine, my only sun shine. You make me happy when sky's are grey, you never notice how much I love you, please don't take my sun shine away"

Once I finished singing he was fast asleep. But the tears could only stop for so long, I grabbed the papers for the divorce form Levi's office, I had seen them in there a few weeks ago. I signed them and left them on his desk, I packed everything I could find.

Baby bottles, diapers, baby powder, clothes for Rivai, and clothes for me. Before I finished packing I decided I would need a place to stay, my parents were living in Clovis City, far from here, it was to far. I decided to go to Mikasa's, everyone was crashing there for a while so it was perfect, I needed something to distract me.

You'd think I'd be more depressed, but after what Levi did before, it didn't hurt as much. Because I knew I shouldn't have married him, my heart just didn't listen to my mind.

I had the maids help me with my bags, as I carried Rivai and put him in the car seat. "Thank you all for everything" I bowed to them, they bowed back, some were trying not to cry, some were already sobbing.

I started driving all the way to Mikasa's house. I took Rivai out of with seat and carried him to the door.

I knocked on the door, "Coming!" I heard Mika yelled form the other side of the door. My eyes still red from crying.

"Eren?!" Mikasa's eyes widened, "what happened?!"

Time Skip

"And that's what happened" I finished they all looked at me sadly. But for some reason I felt a bit of guilt from them. They all avoided eye contact from me, "Mika you aren't mad?" I asked confused every other time Mikasa would have already left to go kill Levi.

"N-no I a-am" Mikasa never stutters.
Than it hit me, they knew.

"You knew, didn't you?" I asked slowly picking up Rivai. They all looked at me, "how could you?!" I raised my voice, "Mikasa, Armim you too?" I have had it. I grabbed my jacket and I walked out the door. "Eren wait!" I could hear Historia yelled from the window.

I put my sleeping Rivai in his car seat and got inside the car, and started driving.

I dialed my mom's number,

"Hello this is Carla Yeager can I help you?"

"Mom I need a place of stay I'm driving over to Clovis I'll be there in 4 and a half hours" I tired not to sound like I had just been crying for hours.

"What did he do?" My mother said in a dark voice"

"I don't want to talk a out it I'll see you in a while, bye mom" I hung up the phone.

Time skip

In Clovis City

I had finally arrived in Clovis, I texted my mom asking for the address, they had moved to Clovis for my father's work.

I stoped to get gas, Rivai was awake and looking around, it hurt to look at him, he looked so much like Levi.

I checked my phone, I had loads of miss calls

Missed calls
70 Mikasa
40 Armin
34 Historia
43 Bertholdt
45 Reiner
1 Annie
37 Sasha
39 Connie
41 Ymir
82 Erwin
100+ Hanji

I blocked all of them. It was time to start new, Clovis though a huge city, it doesn't follow up with the media of Rose, Sina, or Maria. So most likely, no one would know who I am. I needed to get away from all this drama.

At the Yeager Mansion

I pulled up next to the booth that gaurds the property, "Name?" I sighed. "Eren Yeager" the man took a good look at me then laughed. "Nice try kid" "excuse me!-"

"Eren my baby!!!" I can recognize that voice anywhere, "Albert! What are you doing let him in!" My mother yelled to the gaurd. I drove I to the front of the house, "Mom!" I got out of the car and hugged her. "My baby!!" She hugged me tight, as we hugged the maids got the bags out from the trunk. And I got Rivai out from his seat. "By the walls he looks just like you!" I let her carry him as we walked into the house.

"What's your name?" She coed, "Rivai Ackerman" I said fixing his messy hair. "We should change his name, to Rivai Yeager, has a nice ring, no?" I chuckled. "Did Levi sign his rights over?" She asked as we walked to my assigned room, "no, he refused to.." I remembered he kept saying he couldn't.

"Well then his name is your choice, you should change it!" She smiled, I missed that smile. "I'll think about it"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

With Love, Mango_Corgi

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