Chapter 18

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"Sir here is the report" a nurse stepped into the office of Docter Pixis. "Thank you" he nodded to the nurse before dismissing her. Pixis looked at the report and frowned "Oh dear"








"Daddy! Pampam pooped in the kitchen again" Rivai said running into the living room where Levi had been enjoying his cup of black tea. He turned to face his son, Rivai I already told you how to clean it up" Levi answered. "But Daddy its smells bad" the young boy whined as he glared are his small dog which had just entered the room. Pampam gave a little bark, "Rivai if you can't handle a little poop then I might as well take Pampam away" Levi said jokingly but to Rivai he thought he meant it due to his dad being a cold motherfucker with truckloads of sass and attitude. 

Rivai gasped "Nope! I can handle it I'm a big kid!" (IM A BIGGGG KIDD NOWWWW) Rivai yelled before running to the kitchen Pampam went over to the couch Levi had been sitting on and jumped on beside Levi. Levi took his eyes of his tea and looked in Pampam's direction. He patted Pampam's head gently. "Good boy" Levi smirked Pampam just barked happily before leaving to play with Rivai.


(Ok so I forgot when I had planned Annie's baby to be born soooo for the sake of me keeping my sanity and not looking for it for lowkey the whole nightI'm just gonna let the baby be born already)



"Mikasa! I have been calling you for the last goddamn hour where the fuck have you been?!" Armin screamed from the other end of the call.

Mikasa heled the phone away from her ear to avoid ear rape by her good friend Mop top. "Sorry, I was busy with company work" She said looking into the living room from the dining hall. "Since some dumbass HASN'T been doing HIS work FOR His Company" Mikasa yelled so her older brother would be able to hear. 

Levi sitting on the couch back facing Mikasa, he just replied by putting up his hand and putting up the middle finger at his sister, Mikasa rolled her eyes and turned her focus back to the call.

"Anyway, what did you need?" Mikasa said as she waited for Armin's answer. 

"I and Annie have just been wondering if we are staying with you guys or at a hotel again" Armin asked as cries from a small baby could be heard. 

"Levi told me he wanted 'peace' and 'quite' so everyone will be staying in hotels" 

"Ah okay, anyway I should go, Annie says hi "

Mikasa laughed, "Okay, tell her I say hi to her and the baby, which I still have yet to know the name of" Mikasa said annoyed. Armin sighed jokingly, "Annie said she would allow you guys to finally learn the name on Christmas Eve"

"But the ball is a few days before Christmas," Mikasa said confused.

"Yeah everyone said we would stay for Christmas"

"Was Lev happy about it?" Mikasa asked.

"Don't know, don't care, Levi is loaded so it wouldn't matter. Plus he got a lot more money after the news incident" Armin let out a laugh. "Anyway, I should really go now, Bye Mika!" Armin said.

"Bye Min!" Mikasa hung up the phone and went over to where her brother was sitting. "So. Did you finally find Rivai, your son a new school?" Mikasa questioned as she waited for the older's response.

"Yes actually, he'll be starting after the winter break. And this school is LGBTQ+ friendly, so they'll except him" Levi explained. "But there's a downside to it isn't here in Clovis, but they do online classes, of course, I have to be there watching me when he does the online classes. But once we move back he can start heading to school" Mikasa raised an eyebrow.

"Move back?" She said crossing her arms. "What about Eren?"

"When Eren wakes up I'll beg him to forgive me again, now that I have gotten to spend time with the kid I don't wanna leave him again" Levi said giving his usual cold look to his sister. "That's if he wakes up" Mikasa said before starting to walk back to the dining room to finish up some reports.

Levi sat in silence before his phone started to ring, "Hello?"

"Hello? Is this Mr. Ackerman?"

"Yes, May I help you?"

"Sit this is Docter Pixis of the Yeager Hospital, You need to come down to the hospital immediately"

Levi stood up in fear.

"What?! What's wrong with him?"

"Sir think it would be better if we talked in person"

"I-I see..I'll be right there!" 

Levi ran into the dining room where Mikasa had gone. "Mika watch Rivai while I'm gone!" He yelled before rushing out the front doors. 

As Levi started Driving he decided to make a call. "Hello?"

"Hanji you need to fly to Clovis immediately. Meet me at the hospital" Levi hung up as he started driving faster.


Levi rushed to Eren's room, ignoring the nurses calling him back saying 'visiting hours won't start for another hour' 

Levi was greeted by Docter Pixis who was beside Eren's bed. "Mr. Ackerman" The old bald man greeted. "I'd like to talk to you about Eren's current condition" The man spoke. "Yes?"

"Mr. Ackerman, you see, Eren's condition is getting worse, the cause is unknown, he doesn't have much time until-" 

"He is on life support isn't he?!" Levi interrupted. "Yes but it has been keeping him alive, but it is a very low percentage of him waking up, it is likely he will die in his sleep over the time he would be kept on life support" Pixis explained. Levi's heart sunk, "Can w-we at least keep him on life support a little longer?" Levi suggested.

Pixis sighed, "Yes you can, but. Are you so sure he will wake up?" 

"His condition, his heart, it isn't healthy, I recommend thinking it through with your family" The man said as he started to walk to the door. "We are not pulling the plug on his life, we both know me and his parents would not let that happen, even if your a trained doctor, you are still a close to a friend to Mr. Yeager" Levi warned before the doctor left the room.

Levi stepped closer to Eren, he gently pushed the hair away from his face. 

"Hey, Eren. I know your probably stilled upset with me"

Levi smiled sadly. "I saw the letters and gifts in your room, though they were all dusty and filthy, I read them"

No response

"Rivai really misses you, I have gotten to know the kid, he the fucking spitting image of you" Levi chuckled. "I-I miss you too, I hope you forgive me, you need to wake up, please?"

No response

"I love you"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! AND don't worry I ain't killing off Eren, I justed wanted to tell you that so ya'll don't have to worry!

With Hungry Love, Mango_Corgi

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