The attic

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Work translated with DeepL and myself, forgive grammatical and punctuation errors, thank you.


Capítulo 1: The attic

The afternoon had fallen in the city and the dark of the night was gradually taking over the sky with its inseparable sister: the night cold.

A light brown cat awoke from his nap and shook his head, and woke up.

"These humans are very noisy," said the green-eyed cat, "they don't understand the value of silence."

Around the park, lots of people were dressed in multi-colored buffoon hats and sports shirts, all of them going to the various restaurants and canteens to watch the Bolivian team face a foreign rival.

"Bo, bo, bo, li, li, li, via, via, via! Long live Bolivia!" the passers-by sang cheerfully.

Seeing that he was going to fall under the pleasant temptation of sleep, the cat shook his head and then got up and then did the usual stretches to wake up.

The cat looked up to the sky, which was already beginning to show the first stars, some pale blue and others reddish shining, all of them flashing at irregular intervals and seeming to laugh at the cat's whiskers that at that moment were moved by the cold wind.

The feline began his nightly rounds in the hope of catching the occasional mouse when suddenly the loud sound of the firecrackers reverberated throughout the atmosphere with a thunderous roar.

"What's that! I'd better hide!" shouted the cat and started running as fast as he could on all four paws.

In the middle of the race the cat ran into pitbulls who barely saw him and started chasing him.

"Come on, baby," said the domestic dogs mockingly. "We just want to bite those pretty little paws of yours, sweetheart."

"Dogs," the pussy thought in the middle of a runaway. "I'm not a girl! I'm a boy, and I'm a very macho boy!"

The dogs had resistance but could do nothing about the fast race of their prey which, thanks to its tail, made fast turns that made the pitbulls dizzy.

The cat decided he should try his luck and try to get into a house.

"Over there!" he thought aloud the misifus, and then he packed himself into a garbage can, jumped over it and landed on the wall.

"Get down, cat!" the dogs barked furiously at him.

"Not even in jest," replied the cat who then showed supreme indifference and began to groom himself with the greatest calm in the world, right there in front of the dogs that continued to bark in frustration.

"Shut up, you dogs!" you could hear someone screaming and then a bucket of cold water fell on the flea rugs, making them run away in the race.

"We won't forget this, pussycat!" The dogs shouted at him as they fled.

"Well, I'll forget all about it by the time I go to sleep tonight, you snouts!" The cat answered in a scream.

"Shut up, cat!" shouted the same man from one of the rooms of the house and after disappearing through the window frame, he would come out again, this time grabbing an old shoe with the intention of throwing it at the cat.

"Hey, where'd he go?" asked the guy, and then he disappeared again behind the window frame and slammed it shut along with the curtains.

"Sure, human," thought the cat. "As if I'm going to stand by and let you throw me your ugly shoe that sure smells like your dirty, sweaty cheeses."

New firecrackers exploded in the air and the kitten saw that a window in the house was broken.

Neither short nor lazy, the agile intruder entered the house and began to wander around.

There was a lot of dust everywhere and all the doors of the place were open, which gave the cat some hope about finding a mouse or two for a snack.

In one of the rooms, apparently the attic, was illuminated by the light of the moon that entered through one of the dirty windows and gave the atmosphere an aspect that could almost be considered as cozy.

The cat began to sniff around the corners but found no snack to chase and gobble up afterwards, so after a quick look around the place, he decided to turn around and try another room.

"Wait, don't go."

A shy, soft timbre of barely audible voice came from somewhere in the dimly lit, dusty attic, causing the cat to leap and go to hide behind boxes.

"I thought there was no one here," the cat thought, and carefully went to the door.

"Please don't go, I'm so lonely," asked for a delicate voice in a whisper of supplication.

"Where are you?" asked the cat cautiously.

"Here, here, in this lit little corner."

The cat approached and saw who he was talking to... it was a carpet.


A cat in love with a carpet (completed 4/4)Where stories live. Discover now