Memories of a carpet

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Capítulo 2: Memories of a carpet

The soft, blue moonlight this time bathed the interior of the attic in very gentle and harmonious creamy colors.

A light brown cat with green eyes advanced cautiously and with steps that emitted no sound, as if he were walking on the clouds, he gradually approached his unknown interlocutor with a feminine and harmonious voice.

"Here, here" said the soft, feminine ringing voice. For whatever reason, she refused to come out of hiding, whether out of shyness or otherwise.

"Where are you? Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you."

"This way," that was the only answer the feline received, who stopped when he saw that there was no exit at the corner of the attic where he was.

Dusty boxes and a few cleaning utensils were around the cat. One of the things that caught his attention was a small but beautiful carpet in front of him. The color was difficult to identify because the carpet seemed to be purple, violet, and lilac in color; the carpet frame was made up of silver-colored arabesques that at the time seemed to pay homage to the pale moon that shone like a princess or queen in the dark blue sky with her cohort of stars that flashed mischievously.

"Hello," the cat was encouraged to say as he was not quite sure that the voice was coming from the carpet.

"Hello... don't be afraid," was the answer from the carpet.

The cat would have escaped, but when he heard the carpet tell him not to be afraid, It forced his pride and decided to stay to face this unexpected mystery.

"Well, hello. I didn't expect to find anyone in this room," confessed the cat who was trying so hard to stay calm. "I have good ears and nothing escapes me. If I'd heard a human in this place, I wouldn't have come in, but you don't make a sound."

"I don't have much need to move around," the carpet admitted with some shyness. "I like to stay calm in the moonlight and see the stars."

"That makes two of us," replied the cat, this time with a smile. "There's nothing like being on the rooftops and looking at the moon."

The ice had broken and both the cat and the carpet came into confidence, exchanging stories and asking a few questions.

"Don't you have a name?" asked the carpet.

"No, I'm a stray cat and I don't have a name. Well, until recently with what people were always yelling at me, I thought my name was: cat get down from there!"

"What fun," the carpet laughed with a bell so sweet that it pleased the cat's ears.

"What about you, do you have a name?"

"Well, unlike people or pets, I don't need a name. I never actually thought about having one."

"Everything has a name," said the cat. "You for example are carpet and I am cat. But some things have a special name given to them by humans."

"Like what?"

"Well, rivers and mountains are not just rivers and mountains, humans name them after humans, it's a bit strange, because they're not alive."

"So am I," said the carpet in a tone of sorrow. "Although rivers and mountains come from nature. They are not a creation that can be discarded as I am."

"Don't say that," said the cat worried, "humans still dump rivers and mountains. They pollute rivers, flatten mountains, kill all the fish that live in the water, burn all the trees that hum in the sun in the mountains."

A silence fell over the cat and the carpet, but it was interrupted by the distant coughing of the fat guy who once wanted to throw a shoe at the cat.

"And what is this place?" It looks abandoned except for the room where the human shoe thrower lives.

"This place was what humans call a cinema. People came several times a day and watched many films, sometimes as a couple, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends or family; some laughed, some cried and others intertwined their fingers sweetly."


"I listened to everything because they always put the cardboard figures from the films or the occasional framed poster of what they were going to show on me. After the movie, I watched people retire, it was a good life."

"And what happened?"

"I don't know, only people stopped coming."

Both carpet and cat didn't know it, but this was one of the many private homes that were redesigned to house small movie theaters that were very popular until the 1990s. Then, the arrival of video cassettes, CDs, piracy, cable television and the Internet forced many of these cinemas to close.

"So many things were felt," the carpet remembered. "Sometimes people sang hymns, sometimes they sang threats to an enemy who couldn't say, sometimes they came laughing like fools to forget their sorrows. Sometimes the place closed, I still remember the military boots and the screams, ordering everyone to return home and not go out at night."

"There are no more military," said the cat. "Now everything is peace, but at the same time everything is so sad."

"So sad and dusty," the carpet sighed, and the moon hid behind a window and left the whole place in gloom.


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