The gentle smile of the stars

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Capítulo 4: The gentle smile of the stars

Except for the usual daytime naps, cat had always run away from routine, but now it pleased him. Every day he would go to his friend's carpet and tell her cheerfully about the things outside.

"The best thing about humans is undoubtedly their food," explained cat.

"I wish I could have a human shape, so I could taste the human snacks."

"You should have a name first," cat explained. "If you don't have a human name, you can't eat human food, at least that's what I think."

"What name do you think I should have?" She asked him shyly

"I think you should call yourself... Princess," said the cat with a blush.

"Princess... I like that name."

"And you... what would you call me?"

"You are a champion. I think that name looks good on you."

The light brown cat, Champion, held one of the Princess's corners, the carpet, with his paw and kissed her gallantly.

"Tomorrow is the new moon, my Princess, I promise that I will face and defeat the monster so that it will not disturb your smile again."

"I know that as my Champion, you will succeed," replied Princess who seemed to emit a delicate light from each of her fibers and arabesques.



The day of the new moon arrived and Champion, went like everyday where his friend Princess, without realizing that Mordelón, Bocón and Cabezón, followed him with infamous intentions.

"We know that pussy's routine," Mordelón snarled at them. "Tonight we'll wait for him and when he jumps out into the street we'll attack him."

"I want to bite his paws," said Bocón.

"Leave me the tail," said Cabezón.

It was another match night and the Bolivian national team fans were on their way to the local canteens and restaurants. Restaurant employees switched from soap opera to sports channels, despite the ladies' demands.

"Don't worry Princess, I'll be crouching in this corner and when I see the mouse I'll chase him to the corridor and you'll never see him again."

"I don't want you to take unnecessary risks for me," said Princess.

"We're just talking about a mouse. How much damage can that miniature do?"

In the house, the caretaker had gone out as he did not want to miss the match, unfortunately he had forgotten to turn off the stove in the kitchen.

After a couple of minutes, both Princess and Champion heard the unmistakable sounds of a mouse nibbling on boxes.

"You are here now, you will see," thought Campeón, as he tightened each of his muscles and prepared to jump.

The little black rodent suddenly sensed a noise behind him, and decided to step out of the attic just as Champion was jumping on him.

"You won't get away from me!" shouted Champion and began to chase the tiny mouse.

Champion cornered and devoured the mouse, but in that he heard a loud, crystal-breaking sound that came right from the attic.

"Princess, are you all right!" shouted Champion but no one answered him.

A draft of cold air penetrated the attic and Champion saw that one of the windows was broken.

"Princess!" shouted Champion, and rushed to the broken window.

Already on the roof Champion saw his beloved Princess being shaken by a huge rat.

With huge eyes and very long incisors. The huge rat that was as big as the Champion and had the same light brown coat, except that he was not clean and neat, but dirty and disorderly, tried to bite Princess, who was hitting him with two of her corners.

A strong slap knocked Princess down and when the ugly rat pulled his ugly head towards the carpet, Champion was already falling on him and the fight was beginning.

Squeaks and hisses were heard on the roof as black smoke slowly began to rise and surround the contenders.

In a display of bestial ferocity, the rat pushed Campeón to the edge of the roof. The light brown cat had half a body in the void while his opponent was on top of him.

"Look, there's the cat!" Mordelón shouted to his two brothers, and the dogs started barking furiously as they put their front legs on the wall.

The fire from the fire blew out the windows of the house and now the flames consumed the roof and came dangerously close to the two duelists.

A flat, rectangular object flew flush with the surface of the ceiling and struck the rat's body, causing it to fall into the void.

The three dog brothers, believing that it was Champion who was falling towards them, attacked the rat which found its end in the jaws of the canine brothers.

"Princess, you saved me," said Champion, who was breathing with difficulty from the fire.

"How could I not," groaned Princess as she hugged Champion, and the flames engulfed the couple as the roof collapsed.



A large crowd of curious people watched as the neighbors put out the fire with buckets of water.

"Those three dogs were barking loudly to warn us of the fire," said a neighbour.

"Yes, they are heroes," said another, and the rest of the crowd applauded and caressed the three pitbulls who looked confused.

Two children saw the scene with funny smiles on their faces. One of them had a mischievous face with light brown pants and shirt and his companion, a beautiful girl, had a purple, violet and lilac dress and silver hair that accentuated her beauty.

The two children laughing and holding hands ran to the street and ran away from the crowd in search of new adventures, while up there two stars shone very close together over Bolivia. One flashed brown and the other, silver and reddish shimmering.


A cat in love with a carpet (completed 4/4)Where stories live. Discover now